God you Vulture

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Jaime's POV:

I raced to the nearest ER hoping that Addy was there. I ran into the ER; as soon as I walked in the sound of crying children bombarded my ears. I sprinted up to the front desk "Is Addison Preciado here?" I demanded the lady at the front desk.

"Yes, she is in the surgery room, I can lead you there" She responded very calmly.

"Please do,and can someone tell me what is going on. I'm her father. All I know is that she was in a car crash" BY this time I started to sob. I looked like a complete fool.

"I will have the doctor tell you what is going on, until then please follow me." I still had no clue how she was so calm in this situation. The good part was that Addy wasn't dead. When we got closer to the room  Jack came up to me and hugged me tighter than I have ever been hugged in my entire life. He was crying, I honestly didn't know if he ever stopped crying. I continued to cry into his shoulder. no words needed to be spoken. I just needed to know that someone was there for me. That person was Jack.

I slowly broke the hug and walked over to the window that showed the surgery room. Her face had thousands of cuts on them. She honestly didn't look too bad until one of the doctors moved away from her legs. They didn't even look like legs anymore. They were charred and bent in an awkward position. I had ran out of tears, so I just sat there in shock. 

The doctor came out of the surgery room and walked up to me." Are you Jaime" He asked and I nodded. "Well Addy is still alive, she is breathing fine, and her lungs do not appear to be damaged, so that is good. Please Mr. Preciado do not get your hopes up. Her legs are burnt to the point where it would be a miracle if she could walk ever again. We may need to amputate. She also fell asleep in the ambulance on the way here, but there wasn't enough time to wake her up before putting her under the anesthetic" he put his hand on my shoulder and said "Please don't loose hope, I can tell that she's a fighter" at that point I broke down. All that I could do was shake my head and start to cry even harder. I walked over to the chairs and sat down. I put my head in my hands and just tried to make sense of everything that had just happened.  I needed to escape this pain for a little while. I opened instagram and just scrolled through my feed. A lot of people had tagged me in one video of MIke, Vic, Tony and I playing King for a day in Addy's bedroom. I could tell that it was her recording because every once in a while I could hear her little giggle that I could find in a croud of 10000000 people. I wondered who posted it. The username was @piercethe.addy. It had to be her; I looked at all of the posts, and I remembered all of them happeneing just like they were yesterday. Except for the one of Kellin dancing. I immediatly followed her; hoping that somehow that would give me a way to talk to her. 

I took a picture of the surgery room and posted it on instagram. It took me over six papgraphs to explain the situation that I was in right now. A lot of the fans were accepting, but some weren't. If they weren't I blocked them, as simple as that. 

She looked so peaceful just laying there, getting flesh taken off of her legs

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