You're Just another set of bones to lay to rest

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*Three Years Later*

Two months until Tony and I were getting married. TWO MONTHS. Everyday with him was like a fairy tale, and I never wanted it to end, but I had to do some more wedding planing with Mackenzie. We hadn't seen each other in a year, but we did Skype a lot. I was flying to Indiana so that we could do planning together. She was my maid of honor, and without her the wedding would be far from planned. 

I was on the plane looking at wedding venues, just trying  to pass the time. I checked up on instagram, and everyone in the PTV fandom was so welcoming of me. Honestly it was all very overwhelming.  The person sitting next to me on the plane wasn't saying anything, but she looked over at me every once in a while, and I could tell that she was playing PTV music in her headphones as loudly as possible. I smiled at her, and then she took a deep breath and said. "I hope you don't mind me asking, but you wouldn't happen to be engaged to Tony Perry, and the child of Jaime Preciado would you?" she asked.

I gave her a warm smile and nodded. "Yup, that sounds a lot like me." I giggled as she started to freak out.

"Would you mind taking a picture with me?" She asked. I nodded and took out my phone as well. We took selfies and we both posted them on Instagram. We talked for about an hour, and then turbulence started. A first I started to freak out, but she calmed me down by telling me the statistics of how many planes crash due to turbulence, and it was low. The turbulence just got worse. Suddenly the plane flipped upside down, and all of the bags went flying. I grabbed the girl's, Maddy, hand. She squeezed back as hard as possible. I saw a bag go flying across my face, almost hitting it, but it crashed into Maddy's face instead. I could hear a define crack as her neck flew back. She stopped squeezing my hand, but we were still upside down. Some passengers had fallen out of their seats and cracked their neck on the ceiling. It was hard to hold on. My legs had already fallen off, and I was glad because they were weighing my down. I felt the plane flip back around. Right before I felt nothing. Again. The same sensation, just this time more definite. 

Tony's POV: 

My plan was to surprise Addy by going to the Indiana airport, so that when she got off the plane both Mackenzie and I would be there to welcome her. I knew how scared she was to get on that plane. I wanted to be there with her. i was waiting at the gate with Mackenzie. The plane was an hour late already, and counting. Mackenzie started to talk, but was interrupted with the sounds of alarms and then a news cast came on. The news caster said that there was a plane crash, with no survivors. The plane was flying into Indiana from California. My odds were getting worse and worse. They named the plane number, but I didn't know what Addy's was, and neither did Mackenzie. They started to name all of the victims that they found at the crash cite. I was counting, not to anything, just counting. I used it to relive my stress. Then he said it, her name, Addison Preciado. Loud and clear. I broke down. This couln't be happening. I had to slap myself several times in the face to make sure that I wasn't dreaming. I hit myself so hard that I actually started to bleed.

Mackenzie grabbed my arm and pulled me in for a needed hug. My sobs had not stopped, and neither had hers. She was gone, everything in the world that I loved and cared about was gone. Taken away from me at the blink of an eye. Her beauty, her smile, her sense of humor, her way that she never fails to make me laugh, her kindness towards everyone that she met, her ability to deal with the shitty side of the PTV fandom. Everything was taken away from me, and I couldn't stand it. 

"Th-this is... a nightmare right?" I asked Mackenzie in between sobs; she didn't respond. She just shook her head and weeped into my shoulder.

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