Bring her back or take me with her

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Is it bad that I cried while writing the last chapter. Well there are more tears to come.

Jaime's POV:

The doctors were still operating on her. After six hours her legs started to look a little bit better. Suddenly there was a huge commotion inside the room. Everyone started moving frantically, and blood started to pour off of the operating table onto the floor. I stood up and went to the window. One of the doctors ran out of the room yelling my name. "Yes, what is it, is she okay?" I asked frantically asked.

"she is still alive and breathing normally, but for some reason she started to loose a lot of blood, and very suddenly. She has lost so much flesh and blood now where the only solution really is to amputate." the doctor informed me. I could tell that she cared about Addy's well being.

"Where will you amputate." I asked. I wanted to make sure that when she woke up she could still walk.

"Just a little bit above the knee, please Mr.Preciado let us amputate, it's her only chance." After the doctor said that I turned around to see what the other guys thought. Tony and Vic were just nodding, Mike had his face buries deep in his hands, Kellin was giving me a melancholy expression, Justin was weeping along with Mackenzie, Jack and Nick.

"Do what you need to do" I choked out.

"Okay, thank you Mr.Preciado I honestly think that you made the right decision." The doctor said before rushing back into the room.

I watched them do it, cut off my own daughters legs. Its seemed so easy. I wonder if she could feel any of it. There was so much blood, so much pain. I just wanted it all to end.

I pulled out the T-shirt that I designed for her. Things seemed so much easier back then, back to two days ago, back before I was asked if I wanted my child's legs to be cut off. In that moment I realized that she had never called me dad. Had I ever been a father figure to her? She always called me Hime Time, or Jaime, never dad. That hit me too hard. If she died right now, she would've never called me her father.

I snapped out of my trance when I saw the doctors lift her and put her on a gurney. The same doctor walked outside the surgery room and informed em that the surgery was a success and that she was being taken to a separate room. She still wasn't awake. She didn't even show signs of waking up soon apparently. All of us followed her into her new room. it was a tight squeeze, but all of us fit eventually. The doctors walked out and I sat beside her bed, grabbing her hand.

"Addy if you can hear me please squeeze my hand" no response, not even a slight jump in her heart rate. I continued to repeat that line for hours on end. Eventually Vic pulled me out of the room and into the hallway.

"Jaime you need to get out of this place it's making you go crazy." Vic stated.

"Making me crazy? Okay Vic I'm sorry that I want to be there when my daughter wakes up from A FUCKING COMA"

"Jaime what if she doesn't wake up"

I slapped Vic hard "Get the fuck out. Now. it's obvious that you don't care about her. She will wake up, and when she does you better be real fucking proud of her. Because if for some reason you aren't I'm out of the band. No questions asked" I needed to get that off of my chest. Vic immediately left. All of the people in the room heard my conversation with Vic, and they soon left after him. They could tell how stressed I was.

-Three weeks later, still Jaime's POV-

"Happy... Birthday to you... Happy Birthd-" I started to weep. I couldn't take this anymore. It was her fucking eighteenth birthday, and she was still in a coma. I haven't seen any of the guys since the day of the accident. Mackenzie would stop by once a week to make sure that I hadn't gone crazy yet. All of the fans were worried sick about me,but I haven't even picked up my phone for three weeks.

I pulled out the shirt that I designed her and put it on her, over the loose t-shirt and pair of shorts that the hospital had given her. It was supposed to be an end of tour present, but since I haven't left the hospital in weeks it was the best that I could do. I wanted to get her a tattoo. I knew that she wanted one.

I grabbed her hand and put it up to my cheek, making sure that she knew that I was still here. Today she finally got to take the wrapping off of her amputated legs. It hurt, watching the doctors take off the gauze. I knew that she would be terrified to wake up without the bottom half of both of her legs. But she's a fighter.

"Mr.Preciado do you want to go home today, talk some things over with the guys" the doctor, Jackie, asked me. We had become friends in the last couple of weeks.

"What would I need to talk over with the guys" I asked.

"All of the doctors have been looking at her case, and we thought that it might be time to pull the plug." I saw a tear fall from her eyes.

"P-P-Pull the plug, do you mean-"

"Jaime she isn't in there anymore, she is already dead."

"No, No, no, no, no, how much longer do I have to make my decision"

"three more weeks. Jaime, listen to me. She is practically dead already."

"B-B-But, s-she ne-ne-never called me, her, her, her father. I need her to wake up" I grabbed Addy's hand, hoping for some response, but just like always. Complete and utter nothing...Maybe it was time to give up, she's already gone.

Hime time- a PTV fanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang