sam's on some fuck shit, again

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"angel," i heard isaiah's voice causing me to look up. "yeah?" i asked looking up from my phone. "sam's changing shit up again," he said annoyed. "what happened now?" i asked annoyed. he came over and sat on my couch as i looked at him. "he's changing everything up, a lot of shit. it's fucking stupid. there's already fans who've gotten their tickets and are ready but it's changed. he changed up all the dates and it's so fucking annoying. he's thinking of extending it to 2 months and raising the prices. the tour doesn't start until 2 weeks, but it's stupid," he put his head down shaking his head.

"yo bro did you hear what sam's doing?" jah and ski came into the room asking. "yeah i just got off the phone with his bitch ass" isaiah said looking up at them. "the fans are all pissed at us thinking we're the one making the changes. bruno just called me telling me that sam made all the calls and cancelled shit. sam's on some fuck shit," jah mumbled sitting next to isaiah.

"we gotta go live and clear this shit out. ever since sam announced that shit fans been blowing my phone up pissed" ski said sitting on my bed. "we got to, they think we're making all the changes. this shit done already changed 3 times" isaiah said looking at them. "fuck it we're clearing this shit now" jah said reaching for his phone.

i'm just gonna let them handle their business. i got up from my bed and walked to the living room where peep was. "hey lover," i said flicking his head. "ow, rude" he held his head where i flicked him. "sorry," i kissed his head causing him to smile.

"ima go lay on ur bed," he said getting up from the couch and headed to my room. "yes, that is totally fine. thank you so much for asking me," i followed behind him. "thanks starr" he turned around and gave me a smile.

"just put the phone there" ski told jah since he was setting the phone up. "alright, move dumbass" jah nudged me as i got in his way. "wow today is hate on angel day," i said looking at him. "glad you found out," he smiled at me. "i love you too best friend, wouldn't trade you for the world, asshole," i went into my bed. "move," peep said laying down next to me.

"you guys are in the background" ski told me before he started the live. "do you want us to get out of my room?" i asked him. "nah i guess you can stay, just don't annoy us," he smiled at me. "i literally hate all of you right now, all of you" i looked at all of them who smiled at me. "you guys are gross," i mumbled looking at their fake smiled. "angel shut the fuck up, you know we love you with everything in us," jah said hitting my leg playfully. "yeah,yeah, start the live" i told him.

"let's watch family guy on your phone," peep whispered in my ear. "i don't even know where it is," i told him looking around for it. "it's right there," he said pointing at isaiah who had it and was using it. "isaiah," i called his name causing him to look up. "what?" he asked looking up at me. "pass me my phone," i told him and he passed it to me.

we watched half an episode then heard jah yelling. i looked up and i don't even know how we didn't notice shit got hectic. peep got a call and got up from the bed and went outside to talk. ski was trying to calm jah down and isaiah walked over to the couch. i got up from the bed and walked over to isaiah who looked stressed.

"what happened?" i asked him rubbing his back. "i'm just over this shit, at this point i don't even care" he let out a defeated sigh. "come lie day, just let them talk to the live," i told him as we went to my bed to lay down.

"tours in 2 weeks, i still have to sign the contract tomorrow, and i don't have to move into the girl's house for another week but i have to go out with her. he wants us to get each other more before i move in with her. i dont even know why he's making me move in with her. i don't even get why i have to do all that. what am i gonna gain from going public with a random girl? the most is just people trying to figure out who she is then it's done. there's no reason," he told me as he laid his head on my chest. "it's gonna all come together, we have a time to figure everything out" i played with his hair.

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