grandpa a g

529 26 24

yeah we ended up waking up at 10 am. well we woke up at 6:40 but us being us decided to go back to sleep. i can always go tomorrow and say i had a family emergency today or something. 

right now it's 2 in the afternoon and we're fighting over who's gonna pick the show we should. i wanna watch the boondocks but he wants to watch family guy. he swears family guy is better than the boondocks. mans is crazy. 

"we're watchin the boondocks and that's that" i took the control from his hand.

"we're watchin family guy and that's that" he pulled the control out of my hands. 

"man go ahead and watch it. i got a tv in my room for a reason" i got off his bed. 

"i was kidding" he pulled me back "put the boondocks on"

"awe you don't want me to leave" i teased him.

"shut up" he mumbled as he pulled me closer to him. 

we really don't be doin shit. this is what we do all day. we really do needa get a life or something. this month we only been out the house at least 3 times. luckily tomorrow we're going over to our grandparents house. i haven't seen my grandma in 2 months and she calls me every day asking when i'm gonna go visit her. tomorrow i'm for sure going because it's been too long. my grandma is a real g and i gotta see her. she already threatened me. in her exact words she said "if you don't come tomorrow i'm gonna shoot up your house and kidnap you" crazy. 

"dumbass" wifi yelled.

"who hurt you?" i scrunched my face up as i looked over at him. 

"man" he threw his phone. 

"what happened?" i asked sitting up to look at him. 

tears welled up in his eyes as he put his hands up to his face. i grabbed his hand and he pulled it back. he got up from the bed running around putting on his shoes and hoodie. when isaiah gets like this it's not pretty. he gets aggressive, but not to the point where he'll hit you. he'll never hit a girl. 

"isaiah" i yelled and he froze. "i'm not gonna let you go out like that alone. i don't know what you saw on your phone or whatever but i know that shit messed you up. if you really wanna go outside we can go to the backyard and sit, or even the park" i told him.

"i'll be fine. just fuck off" he grabbed the car keys and ran to the front door. 

"no" i got closer to him. 

"just leave me the fuck alone, alright? i don't fuckin need you. just leave me the fuck alone. if i wanna go out i'm gonna go out. you don't boss me around. i'm gonna do what i wanna do" he walked closer towards the front door. 

"isaiah fucking rivera" i yelled before he got to the front door. "you're not gonna fucking go out like that. you're in a fucked up mindset right now. go sit out in the backyard if you really wanna go out. i'll leave you alone the rest of the day, but i don't want you going out like this. okay?" i asked as i walked over to him grabbing his hands. 

as soon as my hands touched his he broke down crying. whatever he just found out really fucked him up. 

"do you wanna go up to your room?" i asked looking down at him. 

he shook his head no as we just sat on the floor next to the door. i moved us over against the wall as i leaned my back against the wall. isaiah put his head on my lap as he held my hand. 

"talk to me when you need to" i played with his hair. 

"my mom has cancer dawg. i don't even know what to do. how do i even go about that? yeah we may not have the best relationship but that's my moms g" he spoke up after 10 minutes of silence. 

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