you're not scary 😐

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"be safe alright, call me if anything happens" i hugged isaiah. "i'm always safe" he hugged me back laughing. "jah, ski, get over here" i called them over and they joined the hug now making it a group hug. "if isaiah starts acting stupid with me would you guys beat his ass for me?" i jokingly asked them. "obviously we would, i'll kick his ass right now" jah started throwing fake punches at isaiah. "you can't tell but im beating his ass right now" he looked over at me as he kept throwing fake punches.

"hey angel" i heard someone say and i saw nariyah. "hey nariyah, they're leaving me" i frowned as she walked towards me. "already?" she asked frowning as well "well i hope they enjoyed their little goodbye party" she continued as she glanced up at isaiah who had a small smirk on his face. what in the hell is going on here? maybe i'm just getting ahead of myself and nothing happened.

"alright well we gotta get going" jah told us snapping me outta my thoughts. "no" i whined as i came to the realization i was gonna be home alone all these months. "you can come visit whenever, just as-long as the fans don't find out, or sam" ski rolled his eyes as he said sam. "have you heard the rumors?" jah asked me. "the ones where isaiah cheated on me with amethyst? yeah they're stupid" i laughed thinking of the thought of him cheating on me.

people saw my little reaction to peeps picture on ski's live and ran with it. it just so happened that that same day isaiah posted a pic with amethyst. many thought i was upset about that and the next day it was assumed he cheated on me. we had to unfollow each other and that only added to that rumor.

"ima miss you" isaiah hugged me one last time "if you ever need me just call me" he gently grabbed my face to look up at him "alright?" he asked making me nod "good" he placed a kiss on my lips making me smile.

"alright enough love birds, you guys make me SICK" jah yelled the word sick as he pulled us apart.

we said our goodbyes and they officially left. a part of me wanted isaiah to stuff me in his bags and take me with him. i was sad and happy at the same time. i was sad he was leaving me but was happy he was going out to perform for hundreds of people.

"it's okay girl" nariyah hugged me "it's only gonna be a month and you can go see him whenever" she told me. "he acts like i'm not gonna call him everyday just to annoy him" i walked inside the house. "true" she followed after me.

"blue" i called her as she came running towards me barking "let's go outside" i walked towards the back door opening the door to let her out. blue loved being outside now, at first any time she was outside within 2 seconds she was barking to come back in. jah, ski, and isaiah got her used to being outback since they were always back here just talking.

"blue, what the fuck" i moved my foot to stop her from trying to pee on it "why would you even try that?" i asked her as she went off to run somewhere else.

"ima get going, i needa go buy some gifts for my friends birthday tomorrow" nariyah told me sticking her head out the door. "alright be safe" i told her as she gave me a thumbs up.

"well shit looks like now we're on our own" i told blue as she came over and laid next to where i was sitting.


"yo you good izzy?" jah asked looking over at me. "yeah why what's up bro?" i asked looking over at him. "you look like you did some fuck shit and you're keepin it in" ski said walking to the back of the bus where were sitting. "nah i'm good, just tired" i told them yawning.


from amethyst

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