day with jay

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it's been almost 2 months since we first met. i bought myself a house with the help of my grandma. she paid for half of it and i paid for the other half along with isaiah, jah, and ski. i met jah and ski a week after i met isaiah. they both quickly became my friends and we all have an unbreakable bond. when i first told them i was buying a house they were fast to pull out their money and help me pay for it. i begged them not to, but they just ignored me and gave the money to the guy. when my grandma asked who helped me pay for it i told her i sold some of my stuff to pay for it off.

my house quickly became the house everybody hangs out at. the three of them pop up at any time of the day. they show up at 4 in the morning and they each have their own rooms. i was gonna buy a simple house with just 2 bedrooms, but they acted like kids and said they wanted their own rooms. Isaiah's grandparents still don't know that we know each other. they're constantly asking where he stays at and he just says "oh jah bought a house. ski and i stay there" although we would love to tell our grandparents i don't think it's a great idea. knowing his grandma and mine they'll start planning our wedding.

also while living here i quickly became friends with this kid name jason, but i call him jay. he's unnecessarily tall is all i gotta say to describe him. well, i could also tell you that he's from new york, but came out here to start somewhere new. he moved out here with 20 dollars to his name. he's constantly couch surfing while here since he has a couple of friends he knows here. i always tell him he can just stay with us since the guys and him are all friends. i have this couch in my room that he sleeps in whenever he stays here.

i still haven't met any girlfriends. well i mean i constantly hang out with the guys and they're entertainment enough. just the other day ski and jah were running around the house chasing each other like damn animals. ski took jah's phone and when jah got it back he took ski's hat. eventually, i walked downstairs and when they saw me they both froze and quickly jah gave ski his hat back.

on the other hand, isaiah and i are confusing. we're not together but he constantly gets jealous when jay kisses my cheek or hugs me. they're all good friends and they're all cool with each other, but deep down i know isaiah doesn't really like him. the only thing is he won't just tell me he doesn't like him. he makes everything impossible. if i ask him a question he answers it without answering it.

"yo we're home" i heard the boys yell.

"i'm in my room" i yelled.

one by one they all walked into my room. isaiah sat on the couch, ski laid down on the floor, jah sat on the chair next to my window, and jay got in bed next to me. they had just gone out to go help isaiah's grandparents fix up their house a bit. well, i kinda told them. i needed some me time to just be left alone in this house. all i constantly hear is their music blasting and them yelling at each other over a damn game. i enjoy their company at all times, but sometimes i just need a break. i really need girlfriends.

"what was your day like without us?" jah asked.

"pretty quiet and peaceful. it was weird, but i liked it" i told them.

they just looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. someone connected to the speaker in my room and started playing music. all of them were just moving their heads to the music as they did shit on their phone.

"yup" i looked around "i did not miss this" i shook my head.

"but we both know you missed me" jay smiled kissing my cheek.

"only because right now you're the only one giving me attention and not on your phone"

"i need to go to the studio in like 5 minutes. i'm gonna drop hood favorite today" he smiled at me.

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