was it more than once?

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"isaiah?" i heard yazmine say my name as she opened her door "what are you doing here?" she asked "it's 4 in the morning what happened?" she asked looking around and it was pitch black outside.

"we have a couple days here before a show. i had to see you, i don't know, fuck i shouldnt even be here" i shook my head turning around to leave but turning back "fuck yazmine" i walked towards her "i feel like i don't love angel anymore and that fucks me up because i want to so bad" i told her as she looked at me with concern "and for some reason you're the only girl i've been able to love for so long and still do. i wanna love angel the same way, i want to so fucking bad. at first i did and i thought she was the one but the more i think of it i don't think she is"

"hey, calm down, come inside" she grabbed my arm pulling me inside to the couch "what caused that?" she asked me.

"i don't know, i just don't feel anything with her anymore. i used to get butterflies and nervous around her now i don't. now i just see her as any other girl i've been with. it's fucked up but at times when i'm with her i think of you and i don't know. i know i shouldnt because im with angel but i just can't help it. even going on this tour has helped me realize i don't love her like i used to. at first i thought it was gonna be torture but i haven't even texted her in a week and i feel good. i cheated on angel, im fucking stupid. i hate how i want her to find out just so she could leave me" i looked over at yazmine and saw her trying to process everything i just told her.

"you need to talk to her about that isaiah" she said softly as she rubbed my back "tell her how you truly feel, she'll understand you. you just have to be upfront with her"

"jah and ski went back home to her but i can't. i cant even look at her in the face because i know all im gonna see is her in pain" i stood up pacing around her living room.

"you can stay here for now but you need to talk to her. the more you dodge her the more you're hurting her. you need to call it off with her"

"thanks" i told her.


"jah! ski!" i ran to hug them "where's- wheres isaiah?" i asked looking around not seeing him.

"he said he was gonna go to gabe's house to work on some music early in the morning" jah told me and ski nodded.

"oh" i looked down hoping to see him "but hey it's fine" i fake smiled "he's working on music, that's good"

i went to my room and went straight to my bed. i went onto instagram and went to isaiah's profile. he posted something on his story and i pressed on it. it was a video of him looking somewhere and laughing then saying he was back in florida. the next story was a video that showed himself then a tv that showed family guy on it.

"where the fuck is he?" i asked myself as i replayed the video. i played it back the 3rd time and saw a reflection of a girl on the tv. my heart dropped as i played it again to confirm it was actually another girl. the only thing you could see was the girls head on his chest.

i got up from my bed and walked to the living room where jah and ski were sitting. they both sat up looking at me in confusion.

"where's isaiah?" i asked them.

"at gabe's" ski told me.

"where the fuck is isaiah?" i asked raising my voice.

they both looked at each other and looked back at me. it was rare for me to raise my voice or to even be angry. at this point i was just upset, i didn't have the energy to be angry.

"he said he was going to gabe's to make music early in the morning" jah told me sitting up.

"he's not" i told them as they looked at me confused "what girl is he with? because i know im not crazy" i walked over to them showing them the video.

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