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It's finally my vacation off of work. I have been waiting months just for this to come around. When you are on tour after tour, you kind of get tired. That's my whole case right now! I haven't seen my best friend, Slim and I haven't seen my daughter, Casie.

Knowing that you can't hold your pride and joy in your arms at night, gets to your head. What I really need, is a hot shower and a nice nap in the comfort of my own home. Moving from hotel to hotel is kind of an adventure, adding the fact that we basically trashed every one we went to.

I was currently on the plane and we were about to land. Slim and Rook were so jumpy. I had to admit that I was just a little nervous to get off this plane. What if things changed while I was gone? I doubt it. That's probably the paranoia speaking.

When we walked off the plane and into the spot where people pick you up, we saw Ashleigh holding up a sign that said Colson on it and my bodyguards surrounding her. Paparazzi was everywhere taking pictures of me.

My phone vibrated to tell me that I have a notification. Since I like to get updates on myself, I found an app that would do just that. This headline read: "Famous rapper, MGK, in the airport getting ready to go home after months of touring his new songs. He looks like he just got done sleeping on the streets! With bags under his eyes and dark circles, maybe he is a legit rapper doing legit work. I haven't seen any of his songs top the charts just yet." It read. I laughed at the whole thing. Fucking idiots!

When I walked up to Ashleigh, she looked devastated and she looked like she had been crying. What was going on?

"What's wrong, Ash? Aren't you happy to see us?" I asked her giving her a tight hug. She sniffled.

"I'm happy, its just that we have a problem back home and we better get there asap." She said. By her tone and facial expressions I could tell she wasn't playing around. Something had actually happened. I prayed to God that it wasn't Casie.

We grabbed our bags from baggage claim and basically ran outside to her car. I didn't even bother to buckle myself in. We drove for 30 minutes before we finally pulled up in my driveway. I ran to the door and quickly unlocked it. Wishing that nothing serious had actually happened. When I opened the door my heart sunk.

"Surprise!" The people in my house all said in unison. I turned around to see a smiling Slim, Rookie, and Ashleigh. Them bitches set me up and in a good way too. Before I could say what for, I remembered that it was my anniversary of the Lace Up album I dropped a couple years back. I couldn't believe that I didn't remember. I bonded with the people at my party even if I didn't know them, and that was most of them. All of a sudden I heard the door bell ring, I ran to it and opened it to see my baby girl. The same baby girl that I haven't seen in months on end.

"Daddy!" She said jumping into my arms. I caught her and wrapped my arms around her small waist and squeezed. She laughed at this gesture. This just made my entire day; finally seeing her is what I've been waiting for.

"Hey princess! I missed you so much!" I told her enthusiastically. In the process I kissed her forehead. She giggled at me. I closed the door not caring who dropped her off.

"I missed you more," She said hugging me again. "Where is uncle Rook?" She asked searching the room for him. They have such a tight bond, you would think that Rook was her father and I was the uncle.

"In the kitchen." I smiled. She ran into the kitchen without saying another word. She was sure hype today. Minutes later, they both came out, but Casie was on his shoulder. He was bouncing her up an down and her curls did the same movement.

"Look who I found." Rook said bouncing her some more. She laughed and laughed I wouldn't be surprised if she peed on herself from all of it.

"Stop it!" She yelled laughing. Boy! Did I miss that laugh.

"Not until you say the magic word." He said stopping for a while.

"Please?" She said as a question trying to figure out if that was the actual answer.

"Nope wrong answer!" He said bouncing her again. I laughed at them.

"Uncle! Uncle!" She blurted out laughing. He finally put her down and she took that as a chance to get away and run.

"I swear, Colson. Casie has energy to last a lifetime." He said acting like he was out of breath. What a drama king!

"Well what can I say, she gets it from me," I said smiling and taking a gulp of the drink in my hand.

He rolled his eyes and went and got the broom from the supply closet we had. People were starting to leave and we decided that it would be best to clean right now because we didn't want to wake up and clean. I checked up on Casie and she was dead asleep. I took off her shoes and tucked her in tightly. I kissed her forehead and then left the door slightly ajar. She stirred in her sleep and I just smiled.

When we finished cleaning, Rook said goodbye because he wanted to go home to his girlfriend he hasn't seen in months also, and Slim went home to his friends with benefits. I slowly walked upstairs because I was tired as hell, and then took a shower. It was hot and steamy, just the way I like it.

When I got out I dried my hair and put on some boxers and my sweats. I hated wearing a shirt to sleep because it made me feel weird. I laid in my bed and starred at the ceiling to make me fall asleep. This was a routine I figured out when Casie was first born. She wasn't a loud baby, but she always wanted to stay up and play. When she saw that I would lay on my back, she would think I was sleeping and lay right next to me and eventually fall asleep also. I have been doing it for years now.

"Daddy?" I heard her whisper at the side of my bed.

"Yes?" I asked her.

"Can I sleep with you tonight? I had a bad dream." She said still whispering. She sounded so adorable because she didn't want to ruin my sleep. Even though I wasn't even close to falling asleep.

"Of course," I said scooting over. "Come lay right next to me." I said patting the spot where I wanted her to sleep. I stroked her hair and kissed her forehead. She snuggled closer to me.

"Can we go to the mall tomorrow?" She asked pouting her lip. I couldn't deny a face like that.

"Anything you wanna do." I said pinching the bridge of her nose. She smiled and then turned back over.

"Goodnight, Casie." I said once her breathing got lighter.

My favorite part of being her dad, was the feeling I got when I saw her. When I first saw her, I made it my mission to always protect her and not let anything happen to her. I might not ever get married and have a real family, but I really didn't care as long as I had her. Being her father, was the best gift I could ever ask for. I looked at her one more time and then went to sleep myself. I couldn't believe that it took me this long. Usually, I was right on sleep. I guess this whole day had a toll on me.

Anybody's Anthem (interracial) {Completed}Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα