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Celeste sat calmly beside Granny, both watching over Henry as he played on the swing. Her eyes moved over to see Rumpel stood nearby, watching the boy with a strange look in his eyes. She found that he had made this a habit and was curious to find out why.

"Bella. Can I have a moment?" Emma wandered over to her and Granny, gesturing to Henry.

"Of course." Celeste stretched her legs, wandering over to Rumpel who was now talking to Snow White and Charming. "Rumpel?" She ran over when she saw him stumble, catching him and letting him lean his weight on her.

"Bae wasn't supposed to die." Rumpel mumbled which helped fill in the gap for Celeste. She held him close, knowing how hard this would be for him.

"Greg and Tamara, they took something from Regina." Charming continued to inform them. "A magical trigger, a fail-safe in the curse that can destroy Storybrooke."

"If they activate it, it's a self destruct, everyone not born in this world will die." Snow continued to explain.

"I know this is hard, but we need your help." He begged the man but it was useless.

"No." Rumpel stated before walking away, Celeste watching heart broken.

"They killed your son in cold blood, and you don't want to stop them?" Charming called out after him.

"They didn't kill my son." He snapped at them, his face contorting into pain. "I did. I brought magic to this world to find Bae. And now he's dead. Magic always has a price, and this is it."

"But we'll die. You'll die." Snow tried to reason with him.

"Yeah, I've made my peace with that." His words destroyed Celeste as she watched him walk away. She tried everyday to remind him of the bright side of life and yet she had failed.

"I'll call you." She mumbled to her friend before chasing after her husband. Celeste sat quietly in the car, driving to his shop and following him inside. She made them both a cup of tea as they drank it silently. She did not know what to do. He always comforted her, never the other way around. He never let it be the other way around.

Celeste stayed in the back room as she watched him address the dwarves who had raided his store, looking for something in particular.

"Celeste." He glanced at her as he re-entered the back room, the loud rummaging gone quiet indicating they were alone again. "Would you like to have a drink?"

"Always." She grabbed two glasses while he grabbed the whiskey, pouring them both a drink.

"To the end of the world." Rumpel tapped his glass against hers as they both downed the drink, a burning sensation as it went down.

"Yet you still have me." Celeste mumbled, pouring herself a second glass. "I did everything I could to be your world, or at least help heal the old one."

"I'm so sorry." He broke down, tears running down his cheeks as she held him close. "I need you."

"I know, and I'm here. I will always be here." She stroked his hair, letting him cry into her chest. "You lost your son. I can never imagine how hard that must be for you but I will be here for every second you need me."

"I've failed." His voice broke causing tears to gather in her eyes.

"You haven't failed." She cried, kissing his head lovingly. "Life is unpredictable and messy. The price being your son's life is unforgivable but you need to keep living, for his sake. Do you really think Baelfire would want you letting his son lose his mother straight after losing his father?"

The rumbling stopped, a sense of stillness in the air causing them to break apart and step outside, watching as Storybrooke rebuilt itself. They had done it. They had stopped the fail-safe.

"We're needed." Celeste broke the silence, glancing down at the single text on her phone. 'SOS. PORT.'

"They've taken Henry?" Rumpel announced their presence as they approached the group.

"Yeah. You're the Dark One. Do something." Charming growled at him, annoyed that they had failed Henry.

"Gold. Help us." Emma begged him, trying to remain composed after losing Neal and now losing Henry.

"There's no way." He said truthfully to them. "I spent a life time trying to cross world's to find my son. There's no way in this world without a portal."

"So that's it? He's gone forever?" Regina snapped at him as Celeste moved closer to comfort her. "I refuse to believe that."

"What is that?" Celeste stepped closer to the edge, watching as a pirate ship slowly sailed towards them. "That damn bastard."

"Hook." Emma said, hope in her voice as they ran over to where he had parked the ship. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I'm helping." Hook stated as he walked over to them.

"Well, you're too late." She said sarcastically, crossing her arms as she looked at him.

"Am I?"

"I thought you didn't care about anyone but yourself." Emma glared at him, stoping close to him.

"I bet you those two are going to hook up." Celeste whispered to her husband before snorting as she realised what she had said. "Pun intended."

"Maybe I just needed reminding that I could." Hook pulled a small satchel from his pocket and gave it to the Sheriff. She opened it to reveal a single bean.

"Enough waiting around. Let's go." Regina rushed them, worried about her son.

"Go? Where? I thought we were saving the town." He glanced at the Mayor, confused on what was going on.

"We already did." Charming inputted.

"Don't worry, I'm just as behind." Celeste added.

"We need to get Henry." Emma informed him. "Greg and Tamara took him through a portal."

"Well, I offer my ship and my services to help follow them." Hook offered them, his kindness surprising them all.

"Well, that's great, Hook, but how will we track them?" Regina reminded them all logically.

"Leave that to me. I can get us to where we need to go." Rumpel spoke up, everyone glancing at him curiously.

"Then let's do it." Snow said with determination.

"Celeste, you're staying here." He warned his wife, knowing she was about to ask to join them. "I don't know how dangerous this will be. I just lost my son, I don't want to lose you too."

"Rumpel." Celeste cupped his face, trying to fight against him but the sad look in his eyes made her cave.

"Celeste." Snow called down to her from the ship. "You're in charge while we're gone."

"Oh shit, yay!" She cheered, smiling gratefully at her friend. "Stay safe!"

"I love you." Rumpel brought her attention back to him, kissing her lips gently, showing her how much he loved her.

"I love you more." Celeste kissed him once more, worried about this mission they were all going on. "Please, come home."

"I promise." She stood at the pier waving good bye to her husband and friends, worried about all their safety as they disappeared into a portal.

"Well then." Her ocean eyes gleamed with mischievous. "Now the party really begins."

A/N: this story shall continue soon. stay tuned 💕

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