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That night Zak drove to his mother's house and knocked on the door. The door opened and his father answered. "Dad what are you doing here?" he asked surprised to see his father there. "Come on in Zakary there's something we need to tell you". Zak walked in as his mother was sitting on the couch. "What's going on mom?" as he sat infront of them.

"Zakary there's a secret we've been keeping from you and we think it's time to come clean about it" his father remarked. "What do you mean?" he asked. "Zak , you were adopted". Zak felt his heart fall into his stomach. "Adopted??".

"Your mother told me about that dream you've been having. It's kind of how we met you. We were in the hospital visiting your mother's father who had just died of a heart attack as we were walking out your mother saw the nurse bring you in as who we think was your birth father leave". "I felt like it was a calling from my father as you were in that crib crying so I picked you up and the moment I did that you stopped crying. I sat down and just held you as your tiny little eyes stared up at me" Nancy replied as tears fell down her face.

"When I found your mother holding you the nurse asked us if we wanted to adopt you just seeing your mother with a smile on her face we decided to adopt you and name you after your mother's father". "Why keep this from me for so long?" Zak asked. "Scared that you might go looking for your birth father the man who abandoned you all those years ago"his mom stated as tears fell down her face.

"Zak believe me this was a hardest decision we've made to tell you this but if you want to look for your birth father or if you have any siblings out there we won't hold it against you" his father remarked. Zak said nothing just grabbed his coat and left. At the haunted museum Zak was sitting there as another car came in. The door opened and Aaron got out. "I thought we were staying away from each other for a while" he asked. "I didn't know who else to call. I was just told something that I don't know how to process"Zak replied. "What your parents remarrying?".

"I wish my parents just told me that they're not my real parents I'm adopted" Zak replied. "What did you say?" Aaron asked sitting next to his friend. "I didn't know what to say it felt like my heart just fell into my stomach after they told me everything I-I-I just grabbed my coat and left. I didn't want to go home so I came here" Zak stated as tears fell down his face. "Do you feel like you've been lied too all your life?". "A little but I wasn't even a year old when they divorced I guess as I was growing up they were scared to tell me the truth".

"They thought you'd probably go looking for the birth parents that left you leaving the people who gave you a home and love out in the cold" Aaron thought. "They did give me their blessing and told me if I wanted to find that part of me they wouldn't hold it against me" Zak remarked wiping the tears from his face. "Why don't you go home get some rest and talk to your parents tomorrow". "Yeah thanks for letting me talk to you". "No problem" Aaron replied and left.

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