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A few days after the funeral Zak took some time off to deal with the grief he was feeling.  He went to a place that he loved going to when he needed to think.  Zak just watched as the sun set as his dog Gracie stood next to him.  "Dad I know how hard it was to tell me that secret you and mom had kept hiding from me but everything worked out.  I found out I have a brother and a twin sister, yeah I'm a twin. I just wish you could of met them,". 

Tears were falling down Zak's face as Gracie just stood by her master.  "Good bye dad I'll never forget what you've done for me even thou my birth father was a tyrant and didn't want me, but to me you will always be my birth father".  When Zak got back to his car Connie was waiting for him.  "What are you doing here?".  "I just wanted to talk to you and make sure you're all right Zak" she said with a smile.

"I'm all right my heart still grieves for my dad but I know he'll always be there for me".  "This may sound kind of strange but Terrance called me yesterday about a dream he had.  He and I were standing on the bridge that Walter died on we turn and coming out from some fog is a man with Walter walking over to us.  Walter introduce us to the man and he says that he wants us to be there for you like brother and sister should be.  We both promised than Walter gave us a hug and they left through the fog".  "So". 

"I had the same dream too and I remembered why the man look familiar it was your father Zak".  Zak smiled.  "I guess you got to meet my father"he said.  "Why don't we get going before we get lost" and they left.  When they got to Zak's house Zak noticed a car in the driveway.  What's my mother doing here Zak mumbled as they walked in.  Zak walked in and his mother was sitting on the couch.  "Zak where have you been?" giving him a hug.  Connie came in as Nancy stood there.  "You must be Zak's t-t-win"she stated.  "Zak we'll have breakfast tomorrow" and left.

"Mom what's going on you seem distracted"Zak remarked.  "Honestly since your father's death I'm scared".  "About what mom?".  "You forgetting me and your father"she stated.  "Mom you may of not giving birth to me but you raised me like you did.  I would never forget you or the family I grew up in even thou sometimes I got these feelings that I didn't quite fit in"he admitted.  "Why didn't you tell me or your father?".  "I didn't know what to say mom but I understand now mom" he replied and hugged his mom

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