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Zak was speechless as he sat infront of her.  "I can't stay long but I wanted to tell you that I was upset with what your father did I couldn't even take care of your twin sister and your brothers.  It got so bad that I killed myself and I regret doing that because I fractured my family.  You were taking away by your father and your brothers and your sister were split apart" she remarked.  "I just hope I find my twin and brothers" Zak stated. 

"Me too and when you do find them I want you not to forget the family that raised you" as she kissed Zak's face one more time.  Zak opened his eyes and she was gone.  Zak wiped the tears away as he got up when a knock came to the door.   "Come in"he remarked and Aaron came in.  "You ready-What's wrong you look ready to jump from the space needle in Seattle".  "I just found out through a DVD that my father didn't want me.  He just wanted one child not two".  "Back up Zak you're a twin?" Aaron said surprised.  Zak nodded. 

"He took me out of the hospital and brought me to another hospital but when he came back he was arrested for kidnapping me and bribing a doctor to tell my mother I died when she gave birth to me" Zak replied.  "Zak don't think the worse of it". "Why shouldn't I Aaron my own father didn't want me and because of what he did he fractured my real true family.  My mother killed herself out of guilt than my sister and brothers were adopted by three different family.  I don't even know if any of them are alive or something else" Zak remarked as tears fell down his face.  

Aaron went over to Zak and hugged him.  The next day Connie was getting dressed when a knock came to the door.  She went downstairs and at the door is Aaron.  "Aaron what are you doing here?"she asked as he came in.  "It's Zak he wants to stop looking for his birth family".  "Why?".  "He found out that his father didn't want him and his mother couldn't handle the guilt that she killed herself sending his brothers and his twin sister to three different homes". 

"That's horrible Aaron"Connie replied.  "I don't think Zak should give up this quest".  "I wish I could help but I have to go to my brother's storage unit".  "You mean Walter's I heard he passed away" Aaron replied.  "Yeah you want to come and help".  "Why not" and they left.

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