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That night Zak went home to find Connie playing with Gracie.  "Thanks for coming over"Zak remarked.  "Why did you want me to come over?" she inquired as they sat down.  "Terrence came over to my mom's house and told me mom came to see you when you found my mother" Zak stated.  "I guess you're rubbing off on me maybe she didn't want you to lose your mom like she lost you" Connie thought. 

"She told me that when she's strong enough she wants to invite you, Terrence, and his family over for a barbeque".  "And I bet you she'll invite your sisters too" Connie remarked as Zak chuckled.  "Yeah I think you maybe right Connie".  "I should get going I'll see you later"Connie stated and gave Zak a kiss.  Gracie whined a little as Connie left.  "Don't you start Gracie"Zak remarked.  The next day Zak went to the haunted museum and saw Terrence.  "Hey Terrence what are you doing here?".  "Connie told me about this place and I had to see it for myself"he replied.  "Well come on in" and they went in. 

When they came in Corey came over to Zak.  "Zak we have a problem?".  "What's wrong?"Zak inquired.  "The camera in the Dybbuk Box room went out again and the camera down stairs keeps flicking".  "Seems the entities in this place don't like being photographed" Terrence joked.  "Sometimes I wonder that"Zak replied.  Then one of the tour guides came over.  "Zak one of the tourist got a bloody nose after being in with Peggy".  "Did he or she say something that pissed her off".  "Only if she reads minds"she replied.  "Is he all right?".  "Yeah he's outside with a friend of his probably filming it for their tik tok account or something"she replied. 

"All right tonight after closing check the cameras and close Peggy's door for the rest of the day" Zak stated and everyone left.  "Don't you have an assistant manger to help you when stuff like this happens".  "I've had two and they both quit I guess they can't handle the haunted part of this museum" Zak stated.  "I have an idea my wife Theresa loves the paranormal and she lived in an apartment that was haunted by a woman who died upstairs". 

"Was that in Michigan?".  "Yeah how did you know?" Terrence replied.  "I'll tell yeah later if your wife wants it I'll hire her on a temp basis and see what she thinks"Zak stated.  "All right now where's the death van?".  "Come on".  

SOMEWHERE OUT THEREOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora