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After Zak's mother got out of the hospital Zak took some time off from Ghost Adventures to take care of his mother.  "Zakary you don't need to do this" his mother complained.  Zak sat infront of his mother.  "Mom you had open heart surgery to put a pacemaker in your body.  I want to make sure everything is allright with you I already lost dad I don't want to lose you too"he replied as Nancy smiled.   

"My little worried wart what about your show I know you'll have to go back" she remarked.  Before Zak could answer a knock came to the door.  He went to the door to find Terrence and a beautiful woman standing there with some flowers.  "I hope you don't mind Zak Connie told me what happened to your mother".  "No come in and who's this lovely lady your daughter?" as they chuckled.  "This is my wife Theresa Zak" as they shook hands.

"Zak who's at the door?".  "Mom this Terrence and his wife".  "You must be Zak's birth brother" she replied.  "Yes I am and this my wife Theresa we brought you some flowers" giving them to her.  "Why thank you" as she smelled the flowers.  "Why don't I put those in water mom"Zak suggested.  "Honey why don't you keep her company I just need to talk to Zak for a second".  They go into the kitchen as the ladies talked.  "All right what's up?"Zak asked. 

"It's something Connie told me the story she told you she left something out".  "What's that?"Zak inquired.  "It seems our mother appeared and told Connie to go to your mother's house".  Zak looked at his mother as they were talking.  After they left Zak sat down with his mother.  "They're very nice Zak" she remarked.  "Mom I was talking to Terrence and it seem my birth mother came to Connie and told her to go to your house that day you collasped"Zak stated.  "You think your mother had something to do with me being found". 

"The doctor told me that if Connie didn't find you that day you would of died" Zak stated.  "I guess your birth mother wants to keep me here on earth," as Zak smiled.  "I was thinking when I'm better we have a barbecue invite everyone including Terrence, his wife, and Connie".  "I'd like that mom" he said giving her a hug.

SOMEWHERE OUT THEREOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora