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A few months passed and Nancy had the barbeque. As everyone was having fun Connie and Terrence saw Zak just sitting on a little grass hill watching everyone. "Something wrong Zak?" Connie inquired walking over. "It just feels weird that I have two families now"he replied. "Well three if you count the guys you work with" Terrence stated as Zak snickered.

"Zak you've fought through so much standing up to dad's ghost, finding out you have a brother and two more nephews" Connie stated. "From what I can see right now everyone is getting to know each other" Terrence remarked. Zak saw Aaron playing soccer with one of Terrence's son, Thressa enjoying a conversion with his sister, Sharon, and Zak's mom talking to Terrence's other son.

"Terrence I have to ask where did you get that holy water when I had that attachment?"Zak inquired. "Connie never told you my father is a pastor when he found out you and I were related he gave me the holy water so I wouldn't bring home something" as Zak chuckled. "Come on Zak" and they brought Zak back. As it went on Zak felt a happiness he hadn't felt in quite some time. In the kitchen Zak was bringing in some dishes as Jay came in. "Hey where have you been hiding?".

"I've been trying to must up some courage for what I'm about to ask you?" he asked. "What's that Jay?". "I was wondering if it's all right with you if I ask Connie out on a date". Zak looked at Connie and at Jay. Zak nodded as Jay smiled. As Jay came in Zak's mom came in the kitchen. "You look so happy Zak".

"I am mom at first I was upset with you and dad for keeping this from me but now that I've got to known my past and facing it in my own way I'm happy"Zak replied giving his mom a hug. "That's good to hear Zak now come on Theresa has made a trifle that looks wonderful". When Zak and his mother came out a flash went off blinding Zak. "Sorry Uncle Zak I didn't know the flash was that bright".

"It's all right Gregory" Zak replied. "Greg why don't we get a picture of your uncle Zak, dad and Aunt Connie" Theresa suggested. "All right come on". As they got into position Zak turned and saw his father with his mother and Walter. Zak turned around and Greg took two pictures. "Oh my god Uncle Zak I think I caught those light anomalies you told us about".

Zak looked at the picture as he saw three balls of lights behind him, Terrence and Connie. Tears fell down his face. "Zak why the tears?"Billy asked. "Before the picture was taking I swear I saw my father, my birth mother, and Walter smiling" Zak replied wiping the tears from his face. "Oh my god look"Aaron stated as they all saw three shadows in the clearing . We'll miss you Connie, Terrence, and Zak mouthed as the shadows disappeared into the dark.

THE END....................................

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