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A few days passed and Connie was looking through the paper. She noticed an obituary and tears fell down her face.  She dialed a number and got Terrence.  "Hey Terrence".  "Have you talked to Zak yet?".  "No but I think he may need us his father died of lung cancer a few days ago" she stated.  "I'll get on a plane and meet you down there".  At the funeral home Zak was standing infront of his father's coffin as tears fell down his face. 

Then he felt a hand on his shoulder he turned around and saw Connie and Terrence.  Zak said nothing just smiled at them as they just hugged each other.  They took Zak out for some fresh air and all sat down in a gazebo.  "How you feeling Zak?"Terrence inquired.  "Lost I knew this day would come but it just came so fast" as he wiped the tears from his face. 

"Zak this might bring you a smile after everything it seems our brother Walter knew that you were my twin brother" Connie remarked.  "He did an envelope was sent to me I opened it and it's a picture of you, Terrence and Walter.  On the back it said: YOUR BROTHERS AND TWIN SISTERS" Zak stated. 

"But how did Walter figure it out?".  "I think I can answer that question" a voice said.  A man walked over to them and sat down with them.  "My name is Derek Lopez I was your father's lawyer when I heard what he did it made me sick to my stomach so after our last conversation I quit.  It wasn't untill years later Walter came to me for help on trying to unseal Zak's adoption records so he could reunite his family but he never got to".  "The car accident".  "All the evidence he had to show that you have a twin brother was destroyed in the accident"Derek remarked.

"It was you who was sending us that stuff".  "Yes and I was the one who rented the storage unit so Walter could save what he had to show all of you what he found out about Zak"Derek stated.  "We thank you on what you did for all of us"Terrence said.  He gave them all hugs and left.  "Well we should get back in"Connie said.  "I'd rather stay out here"Zak replied.  "Don't worry Zak you have family near by"Terrence remarked putting his hand on his shoulder.  "Come on Zak we'll be there for you" Connie said putting her hand on his.

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