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When Zak got home he didn't know what to think about what his parents told me.  The phone rang and Zak let his machine get it.  Hey Zak it's Connie I just got a call from Aaron asking me to call you about some information you got from your parents.  Give me a call

Connie or Constance became friends with the Ghost Adventures crew when she did an episode with them years ago.  She kept in touch with them even found them some cool places that they got a lot of evidence from.  Zak got up and went to his phone and called back Connie.  "Hello Zak".  "I hate caller ID" as he laughed.  "So what's this news you got from your parents" she asked.  "That they adopted me as a baby"he stated.  "That would explain why you have dark hair and your sisters are blond," as Zak chuckled.  "Look Zak speaking from experience it's hard to accept but with time you realize they did it because they love you" she remarked.

"I guess you're right tell me how are you and your brother doing".  "Good Terrence is married with two sons, and me I'm still looking for the right guy" Connie remarked.  "Nick use to tell me that I should of asked you out on a date when you filmed with us"Zak admitted.  "I couldn't do it I like you as a friend not a lover," as Zak snickered.  "Zak if you want to find your birth parents I know some great PIs that help me find Terrence and Walter". "I heard about Walter being killed in a car accident".

"Yeah he lost control of his car and it went over the bridge slamming straight into the ground.  I'm glad you and the guys came to the funeral" she stated.  "I had a feeling you needed some friends look I know it's late there so we'll talk later" Zak said.  "Well I'm coming to Las Vegas in a few days maybe we can get together and I have something that you can add to your museum".  "I think half the stuff in my museum came from you including Lilly" Zak replied with a chuckle.  "See you later Zak" and hung up.

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