Chapter 8.

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Today is Scott's twenty-sixth birthday. And it's the first birthday that I have celebrated with him in over seven years, his last one was his nineteenth which is crazy to think about because I never thought that we would be here again.

Celebrating such a milestone like this one together again, let alone as husband and wife.

And Remi loves birthdays it doesn't matter whose birthday it is, she loves them.

This morning we decorated the house with banners, balloons, and birthday waffles.

I know that Scott hates his birthday, but this morning when he got up and saw what we did for him, there was this sparkle in his eyes and then he looked up at me, with this soft smile and I knew from that, that he was happy, Remi and me, we have shown him that he is loved so much and that we want to share this moment with him and him alone.

As for the rest of the day, it's been a little chaotic. We had brunch with his parents, Oliver and Amanda too, something that he does every year with his family despite not liking his birthday.

And then this afternoon after brunch he took Remi to the park, I think he wanted to spend a little time just with her.

Which I understand I had years building a bond with our daughter, Scott didn't. And even though they have formed their own  bond and become super close since finding out about one another, there's still a deeper bond that can still be built between them.

Plus honestly, the peace and quiet in the house was amazing, I finished wrapping Scott's gifts and then I went for a long bath and nap to get rid of my headache, before getting up and started Scott's birthday dinner.

And by dinner, I mean ordered it and set the table, because I can't cook to save my life.

We had a nice family dinner, had birthday cake after Scott's blew out his candles with Remi's help of course, followed by a Disney film and now Remi is settled in bed, and it's time to give him, his presents and I'm little nervous.

"She is finally asleep, today has been long" Scott announces as he closes our bedroom door and climbs into bed next to me.

"I hope you've enjoyed it though, even if you do hate your birthday" I replied,

He looks at me and smiles. Before kissing me on lips and then quickly pulled away to look me in the eyes.

"I have Ella, celebrating it with you and Remi has been unforgettable and I've loved every moment of today" He said, feeling my own smile forming now.

"Good, it's not over yet though" I say and get out of bed.

Walking over to the closet and grabbed the three different size gift boxes from the floor. Each one has a different gift inside, but there is a certain theme to them all and I just hope that by the end of opening them up, he's still happy.

Sitting back on the edge of the bed and turned my eyes back to Scott.

"Babe. You didn't need to get me anything-;" He started to say, cutting him off with a shake of my head and picked up the first box.

"Here there's an order to them" I explained handing him the first one, Scott takes the box from my hands and places it on his lap, before gently lifting the lid and pulled out a pair of slippers, with the superman logo but with super dad written on them.

He looks at the slippers and a smirk forms on his beautiful lips, before his looks at me.

"I love them" returning his smile and handed him the next box, which is much smaller this time.

Scott places the slippers back in the first box and gently moves it to the side and takes the next box of me.

Repeating what he did with the first gift, he opens it up and pulls out a coffee mug. With a picture of himself and Remi on it, on one side and then he turns it around to see, the words,

Best daddy ever  written there.

"I'm sensing a theme and I'm loving it" He laughs as he looks at his presents.

So far so good, but it's the last one in my hands that's is going to change everything for us, and I just hope he's okay with that, which I think he will be.

"Okay I've saved the best one for last" I announce and handed him the last box.

I watch as Scott gently opens up the lid and looks down into the box. And I swear the whole universe feels like it stopped moving before he pulls out the baby onesies in one hand and a positive pregnancy test in the other.

The baby onesies say's on the front of it,

Can't wait to meet you daddy.

Meeting Scott's teary eyes has he just stares at me with so much love.

"It's this for real? Are you pregnant?" He asks me, in a whisper. Nodding my head as I feel my very own happy tears forming.

I haven't been feeling very well these last few days and been having a lot of headaches, so I went to the doctors without telling Scott, because I didn't want him to worry, Amanda drove me when he was at work one morning.

Any-hoot she ran a bunch of test and she called me a few days ago and told me that I was pregnant.

At first, I was scared because of last time, how it was ectopic and that it ended in me losing the baby, but the doctor reassured me that my levels were where they should be in my pregnancy and that I shouldn't worry, from what she can tell, my pregnancy is right on track for six weeks.

Which means that I got pregnant around the time we got married.

"Yeah, I found out a few days ago, the doctor called me with my results. And I couldn't believe it, so I took a test, and it was positive" I explained with a massive smile on my face.

"I wanted to tell you so badly, but I also wanted to tell you in a super romantic kind of way, so I came up with this.... are you happy?" I added,

"Are you I'm fucking over the moon" He exclaimed happily, before gently rushing at me, laying me down softly on the bed, like I'm wrapped in bubble-wrap, which is how I suspect he will spend the next seven and half months acting like I am.

Scott looks at me for a second, before slamming his lips against mine, getting lost in his kisses.

After what seems like forever, he pulls back from me, his body still hovering over mine, the smile never leaving his face.

"A baby.... a baby Ella" He whispers to me such emotion, keeping my gaze on him and smiled softly at my husband.

"We're having another baby" I echoed with my own smile.

"Best birthday ever" He says, before pulling me in for another kiss, feeling a laugh escape my lips once the kiss is over.

Our eyes just locked on one another, in this moment that we celebrate with nothing but love and joy, as we celebrate our unborn child.

And this is just the beginning of our journey of becoming a family of four.

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