Chapter 10.

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Sitting in the doctor's examination room, in the OB-GYN practice that Ella chosen to for her pregnancy.

Looking around the soft blush-coloured walls, women health advice poster on the wall. Childbirth stuff also there, moving my eyes to Ella who was simple laying on the exam bed, unfazed by everything.

Whilst I can't seem to contain my nerves, my leg keeps bouncing up and down.

Ever since she told me she was pregnant, I have been in a bubble of love and excitement but also worry, which is not good because I don't need to be stressing Ella out with my nerves, but I can't help it.

The only experience I have with this sort of thing, is getting a phone from my brother last year, telling me the woman I love is in the hospital. And when I get there only to find out she was pregnant and being rushed into the OR, then having to comfort her as she cried for a child we never got to meet.

I know logical everything is okay and should be okay, Ella has had a healthy pregnancy before with Remi.

"Babe...seriously your nervous energy right now is starting to freak me out".

Snapping my out of my thoughts and let my leg stop bouncing, as I look over to her, as she holds back a giggle.

"Sorry love.... can't help it" I sighed, Ella's eyes linger on me for a moment and then she holds her hand out for me.

Standing up from the chair and walked over to her, taking her hand in my mine.

Gently bring her knuckles up to my lips and kissed them softly.

"Everything is fine this time....and will be fine I have faith" she whispers.

"Me too baby." bring her lips to mine and pressed a small, sweet kiss to her, just as the door opens and Ella's doctor's comes strolling through with a pleasant smile.

"Hello Ella how are we feeling today" Doctor. Mallory asks her gently.

"I'm feeling better than I have these last few weeks" She replies.

I know the last few weeks have been hard for Ella, the headaches and the morning sickness has definitely been rough, but not once has Ella cried or complain, she's just always said the very same thing to me, "In the end it will be worth it, when there's another little person here in our lives, that's half me and half you".

And I know that she's right, but it still sucks when there's little, I can do for her, other than hold down the fort with Remi, the house, and the little things to make sure she's comfortable.

Watching as DR. Mallory makes her way over to us, my hand firmly entwines with Ella's.

"How's the morning sickness been?" She directs her question towards Ella.

"Better than last week, I can actually keep foods down this past week".

"Good, the first trimester is always the hardest for morning sickness".

"How about tiredness? Headaches?" She adds.

"A little more tired than before I got pregnant, but not a lot. As for the headaches, they have been coming more frequently, with my pregnancy with my daughter I suffered one or two headaches, but it was never this bad".

DR. Mallory wrote a few things down and then looked back up to us.

"Well headaches are common within pregnancy, given that you're a little older too and this being your second viable pregnancy, I wouldn't worry that much for now, but it they do get to the point where they become unbearable then we'll run some tests".

"So we shouldn't be worried Doc? Are you sure because she's in a fair bit of pain with she gets them." I ask her, gripping Ella's hand a little tighter, just as I feel both their eyes on me.

I know I'm being overprotective. But just yesterday she had one of her headaches, she was pale, she was in pain and she was just sleeping, and I couldn't do anything to help her, I've never felt so helpless in my life, we still have six more months before the baby is here, is she going to have to suffer that long with headaches.

"Scott, you just heard her, its common and if they get worst, they will look into it, breathe baby..." I pull out of my own voice as I hear Elly's voice, locking my eyes on her and sighed, nodding my head.

If she's not worried, then I'm going to try and calm my own worry down a little.

"Mr. Vaughan we're going to take good care of your wife and child, you have my how about we take a look at this baby of yours".

Nodding my head and gave her a grateful, soft smile and kept my hand in Ella's.

Dr.Mallory goes about her way, getting the ultrasound machine set up, as Ella lifts her T-shirt up a little, so her little baby bump was exposed.

I love seeing her body change as she carries our child, I love that I get to see it this time around. I can't wait to see her get bigger, feel the baby kick, I can't wait to experience all of these little moments as a family with her, and with Remi too because Ella and I both know she will be super excited, once she finds out she's going to be a big sister.

"Okay Ella, you know the drill. This is going to be a little cold" Doc says as she squeezes some gel onto her bump, before gently pushing the ultrasound wand over her belly.

As both mine and Ella's eyes stay locked on the little TV on the wall, facing us already to see our baby for the first time.

Within moments the screen turns from the clinic ads to a black and white picture of a baby and my face breaks out into a grin.

"There we are...hello little one" DR. Mallory says, as studies the machine in front of her.

"The measurements look good, right on track for a twelve-week pregnancy. Heart looks strong....a little fast but it's nothing to worry about, and here we go-;" She breaks off just as the room fills with a whooshing sound followed by the sound of an extraordinarily strong heartbeat.

Flicking my eyes towards Ella who was staring at the Tv with tears in her eyes, my own tears were there too.

"Everything looks good, I'll gave you two a minute" Dr. Mallory announces and then leaves us alone in the room.

There is so much I'm feeling right now, and I can't explain it, I just feel so blessed.

"That's amazing...babe I can't explain what i'm feeling...." I mumbled not trusting my own voice. Ella grips my hand harder and smiles.

"I know.... love" She whispers understanding exactly what I am feeling.

As we both turn back to the Tv and the image of our baby.

This moment is everything....

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