The First Day

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Today is the day. School begins today. The good thing is Elena came back two days ago and she's giving me a ride to school.

We make our way to the school enterance, and as if on cue, all the boys turn to look our direction. Guys of all grades, some seniors. We ignore it since most have had a lifetime of knowing us and hadn't made a move once. We found our lockers and as I began opening mine, a folded up piece of paper fell out.

"What, don't tell me you already have a secret admirer! And before me?" Elena said while dramatically placing her hand over her heart.

"Shut up Elena! It's not a secret admirer!" I said after playfully punching her arm.

"Oooh, so then it has a name?"

"No! It's not a love letter at all!"

"Then what is it?"

"I don't know." She gave me a look like so then it totally is a love note. I ignored it and went ahead opening the piece of paper. It read


I know you probably hate me. I shouldn't have tried to force you into anything. Please just give me another chance, I promise I've changed.



"Okay is it just me or has this gone on way longer than it should."


"No Michaela, don't try to make excuses for him. What he did was wrong and you deserve someone who will treat you right! Not like your just his toy!"

"I don't like him anymore!"

"Then why does he keep doing stuff like this!"

"I don't know!... I don't know.." I began to sob then. Elena got our stuff and we rushed to the bathroom. I cried and she comforted me. It wasn't until that day that Elena told me this story. Her story. With a guy named Ryder.

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