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After school, we all went by the shore to hang out. Since it was still only the first week back, we didn't have much homework. Elena and I decided we should get to know Jade if she was going to be one of us now.

She easily fit in with us. She didn't believe in social media apparently, because if people wanted to talk to her they should do it in person. She had a point there.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Elena asked.

"No, I don't."

"Join the club." I said with a bored expression.

"Really? You guys are really pretty?"

"If you find a guy looking for a girl with inner beauty before beauty on the exterior, that is our age, then I'd consider having another boyfriend." Elena said.

"Yeah, sucks being fifteen."

"Hey I have an idea!" I said excitedly.

"What?" They asked in unision.

"Why don't we do our tradition with Jade!"

"What's your tradition?"

"Well, it started in seventh grade. We were both going through a tough time and complained about everything all the time. We then decided that we should be grateful for the things we do have. So, what we do is grab sparklers and before we light them we say something we're grateful for. After we've lit them, we say something we wish for."

"It keeps us hopeful. " Elena explained.

"Alrighty then, let's get started!" Jade announced. We all took our turns saying both things but it wasn't until Jade made her wish that I was fully attentive to our tradition. She said "I wish Luke would be my boyfriend!"

Well, unless she speaks of another guy named Luke, this just went downhill very quickly.

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