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Miles has art eighth period since he takes two through eight. I on the other hand, take one through seven. Which gave Miles the great opportunity to sneak me into his art class.

"Don't worry, no one will notice. We have a substitute the whole week and our class is always all over the place anyway."

"Okay but what if someone asks why I'm not drawing?"

"You worry too much. I already have it figured out. Don't you trust me?"


"Then come."

And with that, I finally gave in. He was right, his class never sat down. They were to busy getting supplies or talking to one another.

We made our way to the back of the class where there was a small table with three chairs. Shortly after we sat down and he pulled out his supplies, like I had guessed, the substitute made her way to us and asked me

"Why aren't you drawing anything?"

Miles took this as his cue to respond with "She isn't here to draw. She's my model."

"Your model?"

"Yes, my model." He smiled at me and said "I mean, just look at her. She's beautiful."

I smiled at him and the substitute gave up her questioning and tried to stop these boys at the front of the class that were fake fighting.

"Who's she?" I heard someone say from behind Miles. We both turned to see three upper class men smiling at us, or rather, me.

"My girlfriend." Miles responded. He was obviously trying to keep from getting mad at these boys.

Right then, our principal walked in and said "You three boys, over there in the back. Yes, you! Hurry up! You're supposed to be in detention right now!" Miles and I smiled at each other. Well, that was easy.

"I hate those guys."

"Why?" I asked.

"They're rude to everyone. They're on my football team and they think they're better than everyone else because they're juniors."

"Yeah, that is pretty stupid."

"At least they can tell true beauty when they see it." He said with a wink.

"What do you mean?"

He smirked at me and said "I mean no matter how hard you try to be invisible, you never will be. Everyone notices you because your beauty comes from within, and it shows. You're special, Michaela, never forget that."

"After the way you put it, I don't think I could forget even if I were to try. That was so beautiful."

He gave a slight chuckle before saying "I'm a reader too, you know. I have my wise moments."

I smiled at him. He really was the one I've been waiting for my whole life, wasn't he?

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