The Truth

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After I had finished telling Jade about Luke, I was relieved to see she wasn't angry or sad.

"Thanks for letting me know. At least you told me sooner rather than later. I'm glad I didn't have the chance to start developing strong feelings for him."

"Yeah, we were kind of hoping. That was our goal." Elena turned to smile at Jade. "And don't worry, now that your completely single guys will be all over you!"

Right then Elena stared singing at the top of her lungs "And baby he's worth a lot of gold! But you're better than you know he's no good for you!"

I glanced over at her and shouted "Really? Meghan Trainor? Right now?"

"Oh shut up and dance! This song is perfect for what happened to you both!" Jade got up and started singing as well. I got up and danced like there was no tomorrow. We did this for who knows how long and after we realized how ridiculous we looked we laughed at ourselves.

We laid down on the sand to recover from our singing/dancing/laughing. I was in the middle. We linked hands and just sat there. I have never felt like I have belonged the way I felt today.

Right then a group of three guys showed up. We ignored them at first. Up until one of them asked "So is alright if I take the middle one out for a date?" Elena and Jade both turned to look at me. But it wasn't until Elena elbowed my rib cage that I finally turned to see who it was. Miles?

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