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**Michaela's POV**

The whole group was going out to the beach again. It wasn't particularly hot, since it was already the second week in November, but we didn't care.

Elena had invited Troy, Beth, Mark, and Jenny to come along. I liked them and I don't think anyone from the group really minded their presence.

Max and Miles had set up a bonfire because we arrived at the beach later than we had hoped. It was six but the sun had started to set.

Most still went to swim in the ocean, besides the cold but sunny day.

"Aren't you coming?" Miles asked me. As much as I hate to admit it, I really had gotten attached to Miles. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but I did have my worries that this would make it easier for me to get hurt. These thoughts were pushed to the back of my mind every time I looked into his eyes or he made me laugh. I knew in my heart that Miles really did care about me, and if I got hurt he would be too.

"I'll be right there!" I yelled back with a huge smile on my face.

He nodded in my direction and replied "Don't keep me waiting too long, you know I can't bear to be without you long."

I felt a small smirk pulling on my lips. "That makes two of us!" He didn't turn back around but I knew he had a big smile on his face. I sat back and watched my friends, hypnotized by this surreal moment.

She had started off the year with only one friend, and now she had eight close friends and a sweet boyfriend she cared dearly for.

Everything was going perfecly right now. I know it won't last, for nothing perfect does. I knew hard times were ahead but it didn't matter in this moment. Connor and Jade were finally dating as were Max and Elena. Miles and I had had a short but meaningful time together as boyfriend and girlfriend. Although I had not known them long, I had my suspicions that Jenny and Mark were next in line.

I looked at them all once more, trying to remember this moment in my mind as long as I lived.

"Hurry up Michaela!" Mark insisted. "You're missing out on all the fun!"

"I'm coming!" I said as I ran towards them. I ran down the bridge and let myself jump into the ocean water, feeling weightless and carefree. I let all my worries fade away and let the positive energy of those I love around me take over me. Maybe, just maybe, being visible isn't all that bad.

{*~A/N: Yay I finished my first story! Comment and tell me what you thought about it, I know it wasn't very well but I was just using this as a practice story. Like I said, it is my first. I will be starting a new story, and I will update the first chapter no longer than two days from now, so look for that! It would mean so much to me if you guys read it, I swear it will be more complex and just better overall. I appreciate each and every one of you, love you all!❤~*}

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