The Night That Didn't Last

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We hung out at the mall all night. When the mall closed, we made our way to the movie theater. Once our film had ended, Ryder snuck us into another movie. We did this after every film until it was sunrise. In each film he had his arm around me. In every film I rested my head on his shoulder. There was this feeling of safety I felt with no one else. We had such a strong connection. "Elena, I know we just met, but I have really stong feelings for you. I swear I don't do this with every girl."

"You better not. Or else.."

"Or else what?" He began teasing her. "Or else you'll beat me up? Oooh I'm so scared!" He said while shaking his hands in the air. He was provoking her, and boy did it work.

"Shut up! Or I'll..."

"You'll what?"

"I won't... give you back your phone!" She quickly snatched it away from him and ran in the opposite direction. This was of course useless. He soon caught up and picked her up. He spun her around whilst holding her up bridal style. Once he set her down, the were extremely close to one another. Next thing she knew, her lips were pressed against his.

"You're truly beautiful Elena."

"You too." Wait did I just say that?! "I mean you're handsome. Well you're beautiful too but you're a guy so I mean uh I don't think you want to be beautiful or maybe you do-"

"Elena, I get it. Haha you're cute when you get all flustered."

"Shut up, I have to get home so I'll see you soon alright?"

"I can't wait." And with that I left. Ryder and I dated a year and two months. We would have lasted. I know we would have. If the event that took place last month hadn't happened. 

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