The Surprise Date

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We drove to the place where he had asked me out on our first date, the shore. I think he knew this place was dear to my heart after the incident that occurred two weeks back.


Two weeks ago Connor had made me feel really bad about myself. We had all gone to the farmers market on Saturday to just walk around. Elena and I had gone to get some kettle corn at the end of the street on our own.

"Hey, that guy over there is totally checking you out!" Elena had said.

"Tell him to back off, I'm taken remember? "

"I think you just got the chance to tell him ourself." She pointed to someone who was now standing next to me.

"Hello, there beautiful." He looked so confident in himself. His friends all stood back and smiled at us. They found this to be amusing, since he probably went around getting every girls number. But there was no way he was getting mine.

"Hi," I answered politely, "can I help you?"

"Uh, yeah, actually I was wondering if I could have your number?" I could hear his friends laughing behind him.

"No, I'm good." I gave him a wide, toothy smile.

Right then Connor and Jade showed up. Jade was the first to ask "What's going on here?"

"Nothing, I was just trying to get your friends number."

"Why would you want Michaela's number?" Connor asked rather rudely. "She isn't even hot or anything!"

"Connor!" Jade said and slapped his back.

"What? It's true!" This caused the guy and all his friends to laugh at me. Elena tried to reach over to try to grab my arm but I jerked it away. I felt so embarrassed, I just wanted to leave.

I ran back towards the enterance, and I could hear Miles calling my name.

"Michaela, wait up! Where are you going?" I turned to face him and Max. I knew my eyes were starting to turn red from the warm tears being held in my eyes. Miles looked at me with genuine concern, but I kept running. I didn't want to cry infront of so many people.

I ran towards the shore. I always found myself here when I didn't know where else to go. I had so many memories here. Elena and I would always come here with our families when we were younger, and now we would always come here with Jade for our tradition. I felt safe here and I always found myself getting lost in my memories about this place, I always yearned to be by the ocean.

A voice brought me back from my memories, it was Miles.

"Michaela! I've been looking for you! Elena told us what Connor, said. He didn't mean it."

I laughed. "If he didn't mean it then why'd he say it." Miles sat next to me on the sand. I rested my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around me.

"He said it thinking the guys would just back off. You know Connor never really thinks things through. He thought they would just shrug it off and walk away."

"It still hurt!"

"You know you're gorgeous! Why does it matter he was kidding. And even if he wasn't it's just one guys opinion."

"It wasn't what he said, it was how he said it. You and Connor don't know this because you went to another middle school but Elena and Max both know I was picked on. When Connor said that, it brought back the feeling of being unwanted. He said it like I was just a thing no one else wanted." I felt the tears begin to fall down my face. I hated feeling like this but I couldn't help it.

"I will always want you, Michaela. Never forget that you do matter to someone."

I smiled and looked up at him.

"I don't want anyone other than you Miles." We shared a kiss and soon after he took me home. He stayed with me until it was late and headed back home. In my room, he had layed with me for hours. We didn't speak, we just held each other. I felt so protected with him next to me. It was the best feeling in the world to be in his arms.


Here we were. He took off his shirt and waited for me to do the same. He picked me up and dropped me in the water.

"Miles!" I screamed. "I can't believe you just did that!"

"You're just lucky I waited for you to take your clothes off. I could've easily thrown you in fully clothed!"

He swam over to me with ease, he hugged me so we were facing each other.

"Today has been perfect Miles, thank you."

"It was my pleasure. I'd do anything to make you happy. "

We swam for about an hour until we both grew tired. He handed me a towel to dry off and when I was done I found him in the bed of his truck wearing jeans and setting up the car with pillows and blankets.

"Where's your shirt?" I asked.

"It's too hot to wear jeans and a shirt under these blankets."

"It's night time."

"In case you forgot, we live in California. And it's still September, the nights don't get too cold."

He then reached into his truck and handed me a bag.

"I asked Elena to get you some clothes, you can just go to the bathrooms to change."

"Alright, I'll see you in a bit."

I dreaded to look inside the bag. I could only imagine what clothes Elena had picked out. Much to my dismay, it was exactly what I thought it would be.

Inside I found a cute lace cropped halter top with matching lace shorts. Don't get me wrong, I loved the outfit. I just wasn't sure if I felt comfortable wearing something so revealing in a somewhat bed with Miles yet.

"Michaela, you look breath taking."

"You look great too." He picked me up and sat me on the truck.

"I'll be right back." He said as he went to go do something in his car. He turned up the radio and left the door open. He went to where I was and laid down beside me. It wasn't until I heard the person speaking on the radio speak that I understood he didn't just put the radio on.

"Hi, this is Elena and Jade coming to you live. Welcome back to our radio station. This next one goes out to Miles and Michaela. We hope you enjoy."

All of the Stars began to play. I looked over at Miles with a huge smile on my face.

"Sometimes you have to make your own perfect movie moments." He stated.

We layed there listening to the song play in the background. We layed there looking up at the stars. It was a truly magical moment, as we layed there drifting off into the stars.

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