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There he stood, Miles Harrison. Miles's green eyes locked with mine. His brown hair was messed up from messing with his two best friends, Max and Connor. Max had dirty blonde hair and always wore his nerdy glasses. Connor had blonde hair and he was, well, a flirt. Elena and I always joked about how he could never settle down with anyone. I swear if a girl ever manages to keep him, it'll be a miracle.

What made me notice Miles was that he was always by the soccer field. He, from what I could tell, was really into photography. He always had his camera in hand when he was on the field. He would take pictures during break but would hide his camera the second the bell rang for our forth period class. It was our own little secret, I guessed. Like him, I would go to the soccer field to hide what I was doing. I wasn't a photographer, but a writer. Somedays I'd write, others I'd read. We never spoke, but we totally got each other.

"Hey, Michaela right?" He called out. I couldn't trust my voice to speak so I just nodded my head.

"So how 'bout it? I take you out tonight?"

I just sat there. I was frozen. Thank God for Elena who responded "Yeah, she'd love to!"

"Great, I'll pick you up at six."

"Okay." He walked off and Max slapped him on the back as Connor teased him by saying stuff like "Ooh Miles has got a little crush! Awwww!"

After they were gone we got up and Jade said "Well, what're we waiting for? We have to get you ready for your date!"

"Lets get this show on the road!" Elena said in between giggles. We ran to my house, Elena guiding the way. She was so excited she dragged me all the way there by my hand. I held Jade with my other hand, since she didn't know the way and I didn't want to lose her on our way. We laughed the entire way there. I couldn't stop smiling at the thought that maybe, Miles likes me too.

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