The Mall

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Dedicted to Faithchange

**Michaela's POV**

It was finally Saturday. All six of us were going to the mall. I kind of figured Miles and I would drift away on our own from the group. Or at least, that's what I hoped.

Jade and I were on our way to Elena's house to get ready since her room was by far the biggest.

"Do you think Connor and I should stay with Max and Elena?"

"I don't know. If you want I can stay with them. I mean Miles and I are practically already a thing. You on the other hand probably need more time with Connor."

"You'd really stay? You don't have to, I get if you want some alone time with-"

"Seriously, it's cool. And besides, Miles and I know them both very well. It'll be easier for them to just relax with us around."

"Okay, thanks Chaela!"

"No problem. You get your man!" At this, we both laughed. Anyone who knew me knew I wasn't very good with motivational talks, but hey at least I was trying.

Once we were in Elena's room we got ready. I wore a black leather skater skirt, my long sleeved burgundy lace crop top and black and white converse. Elena wore black shorts, a white crop top under her green I hate everyone jacket and she wore her combat boots. Jade wore leggings with her dark blue crop top and black sandles. We were ready to go.

Miles picked us all up in his parent's van. He had his own car, but we wouldn't all fit in it. Even though we all knew Connor would offer Jade his lap to sit on any day.

Miles and I sat in the front, him in the driver seat and I in the passenger seat. Behind us sat Elena and Max. In the very back sat Connor with Jade, which I think kept us all on high alert the entire ride.

Once we got to the mall, Elena surprised Jade and I by announcing her and Max were going to go Pacsun alone. Jade and I just shrugged it off and headed our own ways.

As Miles and I walked past the food court area, all the females in the area turned to stare at Miles. He acted like he didn't notice and went on talking about A Separate Peace while I pretended to listen. My thoughts were however elsewhere. How did I get so lucky? I felt so accomplished with myself. All these girls are giving me the death stare and I can't help but smile and think yeah, he's mine, whatcha gonna do 'bout it. Well he's technically not mine, but I am the one holding his hand, which is an accomplishment in itself.

We went to H&M first because I had seen beautiful body fitted dress there two weeks ago and I was hoping it was still there. To my luck, it was.

"I mean this in the most respectful way, I'm not trying to sound like a creep or anything, but you could so pull off that dress. You're flawless."

"Would you like to see me in it?"

"If you buy it, I'm sure I will someday."

"No, I mean right now." He gave me a questioning look but I ignored it and grabbed his hand. We went to the fitting rooms and I thanked God when I saw it was my friend Brian'shift. He saw me walking in the room with Miles and immediately called me over. "Wait inside," I said "I'll be right back."

"I'll go with you."

I smiled "Don't worry, I know him." Miles went into the room and waited. I walked over to Brian and asked rather rudely "What?!"

"What do you mean what? You're not going to change infront of a guy in a store."

"You're right. I'm not."

"But then-"

"Don't worry, I know what I'm  doing." I began walking away as I heard Brian call out from behind

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

I smiled and barely looked over my shoulder as I said "That's not really restricticting, you realize that right?" I was once again with Miles in the small room.

"So what now he asked?"

"I'm trying on the dress."

"I'll turn and face the other way."

"You really don't have to-"

"I want to." He gave me a reassuring smile and turned away. Once I had the dress on, I made my way over to him and wrapped my arms around him from behind. He turned around but his eyes remained shut. "Is it safe to look yet?"


The second he opened his eyes I kissed his cheek.

"Well that was a nice surprise." He stated.

"So what do you think of the dress?" I asked, pulling away from his embrace so he could get a good look at the black dress.

"Michaela, you look-" right then his phone rang. It was a text from Elena. "Elena says the movie starts in 8 minutes and we need to head over there now."

"Alright." I said. I was kind of disappointed we had only got to spend such a short time together. As if reading my mind, he said "We'll find some more alone time, I promise."

I smiled at him and we headed to pay for the dress and then to the car.

"Hey love birds!" Elena exclaimed, making the rest laugh.

"Heyyyy Elena!" Miles said back, opening my door.

"Awww!" Connor teased. Jade slapped his arm and he turned to face her, only to get lost in her eyes. Hmm. Maybe Jade was the one.

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