x cold morning x

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You woke up around 8 am. Your back was a little achy from the cheap mattress. "It could be worse." You said to yourself. You rolled over and grabbed your phone to see that both your parents had blown up your phone,  along with a few missed  calls.

Your father was as expected - pissed off.

"Where are you?!"
"Get your ass back home"
"Fucking bitch,after all I've done for you, you just run off, and with my car too?"
"You will never find anyone else who will put up with your bullshit like I do."
"This is why your previous partner fucking broke up with you"
"Because you're an ungrateful piece of shit"
"Stupid sensitive little shit. All you can do is sit on your ass and cry"
" "I want to be a musician" "
"You'll never make it, especially if you just run away like this"
"The second I find you I will beat your fucking ass so hard you'll be lucky if you even walk again"

You felt anger reading those messages, but at the same time you weren't. You felt indifferent because he had been saying these things for so long. You decided to call your mother, thinking that you didn't want to scare her because you still somewhat cared about her.

"Mom..? Hello..?"
"Oh my god, you aren't dead.. Thank God.."
"No.. I'm not.." you replied, unsure on how to respond

"Why did you run off and steal your father's car Y/N??? Do you realize how dangerous that is? Especially since you left in the middle of the night I assume"

"Why did  run off? Do you not realize what he has done to me? He's verbally, physically and emotionally abused me. He's ridiculed me for any and everything I believe and took interest in.. all you ever did is sit on your ass no matter how many times I've told you what was going on. You'd always say that he didn't mean it or some stupid shit like that, its like you're too busy gargling the balls of your new husband to care about your first child. This is why I rarely call or even speak to you. Never speak to me again, and you can tell that sorry excuse for my father the same thing."

You hung up the phone. You could barely breathe properly after saying what you said. All those feelings of hate and sorrow you had pent up for years just spilled out like an overflowing tub.

You then deleted the numbers of both your mother and father. "Now I'm truly alone.." you said to yourself.
You felt a presence watching you, though, you couldn't put your finger on what it was. You shrugged it off as being stressed.

You grabbed your things and left the motel, and got into your car.
You checked your phone, and looked up the nearest Cafe in that city.


You soon arrived at the Cafe. It was small, but cozy at the same time. There weren't a lot of people there, which made you feel more at ease. You were about to walk into the Cafe when a tall, purple-skinned figure approached you. "Excuse me, could I speak with you for a second?" He politely asked. You were about to decline when you realized that he was Daddy Dearest - the (ex)Rockstar. You nearly had a heart attack, and just gave a small "oh, sure" before following him into a private area, not too far from the Cafe. "So
.." you nervously said while playing with your fingers. "I need your help." He said.

"Long story short, my daughter is dating this blue haired boy that I.. hate. I don't want him anywhere near my daughter."

"Oh, well, how can I help?" You asked curiously.
"I want you to rap against him - 3 songs, and in return I'll give you 800$ if you do so"

It was a strange offer, but this was enough to get a cheap apartment and some food combined with the 380$ you had on you. And it was just 3 songs, right? An offer you'd be stupid to refuse.

"Oh, sure! I can do that.. where do I meet him?"

"Tomorrow night at 7 pm, in "the alley". You'll know which alley you're at because the one you need to be at has glowing graffiti, right after Pico's." He said as he handed you the money.

"And don't even try to run off with the money. Trust me,you don't want trouble.

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