x who was that? x

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After the dark figure ran away, Pico nelt down beside you. "Are you okay?? I swear, I will find him and he'll be sorry-" "I-it was an accident.." you said as Pico picked you up, taking you to his place.
"How was an accident? You're  bleeding" He replied. "His head was a bomb, and I think it exploded.. which is why I'm hurt." You explained.

You had fallen asleep on the way to Pico's house. He gently placed you on his couch and started tending to your wounds.
"Don't tell anyone please. Nobody needs to think that I'm soft or some shit." You nodded, and then replied.
"Why don't you want anyone to know that you're capable of empathy?" You asked. "..Bad things would probably happen." He replied, putting the last bandaid on you.

"Who..was that anyway?" You wondered outloud. "Don't know, don't care." Pico replied.
"I think you should stay here for the night." He continued. "I don't want that bomb headed fuck to hurt you again."

"Could it possible that..you just don't want to be alone?"
Pico stayed silent for a second, he couldn't even look you in the eyes. After a minute, he replied. "Tha..that and its the fact that I don't want anything to happen to you."

You started to question your friendship with Pico. Not in a bad way, but you started to get suspicious that he had a..

"Y/n?" Pico made you snap out of your zoning out. You then replied. "I..I can stay here for the night if you want. But, Tomorrow is a work day for me so I'll probably be up earlier" You replied, giving a sweet smile to him. He gave a tired half smile, and fell asleep about 3 minutes later. You just leaned up against him, feeling his chest slowly rising and falling.


You woke up around 6:30, it was out of habit. You slowly and gently arose from the couch you fell asleep on, and still in the clothes you wore yesterday, you figured you could just change at work.

You arrived at the Cafe, and started working. Then, a familiar figure walked in and sat at a table. After taking a customer's order, you came up to his table and spoke to him.

"Hello, and welcome, can I take your order?"
The tall figure looked up at you from his seat, and then looked slightly surprised. He recognized you.
"...Just a coffee and sandwich please." His deep and raspy voice quietly said. "Alright" You replied, writing down his order and heading to the kitchen. You handed the order to the chef, and then went to the "Staff Only" room. You sighed and held your head in your hands. "Alright.. that was the dude from last night." You said to yourself. "Maybe if I can get his name-"
"Aye, Y/n get back to work, we got customers" One of your co-workers shouted from the other side of the door. "Coming" You sighed, slightly annoyed.
After work, you had stopped at the bakery to buy Pico a few donuts as a thank you gift for taking care of you.
On your way back to his house, you ran into him again.. the bomb looking dude from earlier.
You nearly bumped into each other, but he just bent down to your level. Since he was around 8 feet tall, he was around your eye level.

"..Who are you..?
"My name is ... Whitty"

💣Explosive Behavior💣 Whitty X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now