23: I'm me

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I'm me

I win all the games at the fair
the smile on your face was unwinnable
I put myself on the table
oh honey, this isn't fair
I should give up this temptation
you watch me burn like flames
my heart in the jungle of cables
this is not stable
let me be free my dear
I should go back to my cage
or should tell you how this feels?
when your happiness was in her
when your love was hers
or still have the table outside, set for her?
I don't deserve this
I claw and howl each day
miserable seconds
my heart full of burning matches
trips to the deep sees
feels better than this
I should let go of this games
you're you
I'm not her
I'm giving you up love
let's just call it quits
you're you
I'm me

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