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Hey Little Dandelion

Hey, little dandelion !
I can see you there
I know you don't get enough than others
I know you are struggling....

Hey little dandelion !
I can feel you though
I know your wants
I know what makes you grow....

You got your leaves little later
But you got it earlier than too late
You grew out just like you were meant to
You became big by fighting against your stubborn fate...

Hey little dandelion !
I know you've got issues with the angry sun
I know Mrs. Rain troubles you too
She dosen't feed you well
But let's not be cruel or it will picture you bad....

Hey my little flower !
You will grow up one day
Why so much hurry.?
There is nothing to worry...

Everything changes eventually
World will rotate and so will you
You got your place fatefully
But let's make it gracefully.....

Hey my little one !
You have to grow up
You have to get through the storms
To reach the spring's blossom....

Hey my dandelion !
The autumn will be there too
Say hello to him kindly
And don't be mean to him....

Because they will help you in this journey
They will help you to find yourself truly...

Hey my little dandelion !
Grow up and spread
Your lovely smell and full of love seeds
Into this stinking world....

Hey my little precious !
Spread the love
And spread the kindness
Give away the hopes...

Because this world needs it......
Because this world needs you.....


For those who knows me - hiyaaa
For those who don't - hello there.Its nice to meet ya.


So this one is dedicated to my bestie, my soulmate, my boobear and my everything...remember you said that line that " I am a cursed flower, wherever you will put me, I will only bring bad luck to you." Look what it made me do...You are not a cursed flower. You are my dandelion, rose, lotus, lily, mogra, champa, and every other flower exists in this world and on other planets too.And even if you bring bad luck, Im more than ready to face it with you..BRING IT ON YOU BITCHES..hihi..I love you no Matter what you are..You are my hen.ok. xx ♥

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