28 // the healing of rain

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The healing of rain

you wake up
regretting the dreams is a habit now
you wish you won't
but still you do
shadows covers your happiness like clouds on a rainy day
nothing is sunny now
you hope they'd go away
they don't
it's the monsoon after all
' just four months ' you reason
you make your head believe
in the healing of laying in the rain
it doesn't help
' we tried that last year '
you fear
the end is not near
you fear
the end is a myth
you fear and fear and then tear
the sky,
you take a step
and finally fly
as the rain drizzles with your tears
you wept while laying in the rain
it heals
this flying makes you feel
feels that were covered by clouds
on a rainy day
but the monsoon is here after all the wait
monsoon is here to clean you
to wake up you
" don't regret the dreaming "
bad habits are bad now
cloudy sky is beautiful
laying in rain heals too
just find your reasons
reasons why you'd stay
even if it rains
on a sunny day

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