♥ 17 ♥

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Don't just fall for her beauty
Fall for her simplicity too
Messy hair and smudged eyeliner
No red paint to hide the naked lips
Just how you love with the make up on
Love her unmade morning face and hair too

Don't just like her laugh
Like her cry too
The tear tracks and runny nose
The headache she gets afterwards
The rambling which makes no sense
Love that childish behavior too

Don't just love her calm
Applause her wildness too
How she screams into oblivion
How she runs into horizon
Skinny dipping into the ocean
Love her when she eats ice cream at 2 a.m. on the rooftop too

Don't just love her funny side
Which she shows to other
The happy and the perfect one
Which have no lacks
But love her when she's down
When the bed is all she wants
The panic and doubts are all she has
The one which is so vulnerable
Love that real she too

She's not a book you've read already
She's a daily journal
writing new stories each day

So, when she thinks you've loved her enough
find a new freckle on her cheek to fall in love with her again


200 words / wrote this about a year ago while talking with my boobear.Revised it and turned it into this baby.

Xx D

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