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Draught with no life

I never knew the feeling,
Feeling of the shattered heart
Before this, I did had heartache
Heartache that wasn't this bad and
Suffocation, that is the only thing
My lungs are doing
These days
Now I don't even know how to feel
Feelings are long gone
Darkness has covered my world
Without you, I have lost my will to
Life has became just a word
When it used to be a journey with you

You were my sun
And without you
I'm just a destroyed world
A meadow of war
A soil unknown

You was the living thing of me
A heart and it's heartbeat

Now that you are long gone
I'm just a desert at it's best draught

No sign of any life
No wish to live.

Open ArmsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora