24 : Golden Hue

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Golden hue

my body, yearning lover
I sit and wait for you
the sky is blue
it was golden when I had you
it's funny how fast the life pass
slipping sand between my fingers
red knuckles
fading chuckles
imitating me and you
I try and try and fail
can't cage the clouds, can I?
yearning, waiting, leaving, staying
yearning again as the sky blooms
never for me and you
you personified the golden hue
funny how it doesn't remind me of you
sky is blue, it blooms
I stayed awake yearning for the moon or a boon or you
funny how it has passed
golden clouds and burning moon
sky and my new found feathers
this treasure
beautiful giggles
i've erased you
from my golden hue
my heart, new
no more sacrifices for you


A/n : just wrote so many things but bloody wattpad glitched and deleted everything, f u. Some of it were like thia, I changed the name of the book and now it's called ' Open Arms ' which basically means that I have decided to accept every emotion without any questions. Second thing was giving a shout out to @ trashandtypos in ig who posted this golden clouds in her stories which resulted in this.

Be safe. I adore you, Dee ♥

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