25 : Green Dress / Worn out jeans

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Green Dress / Worn out jeans

stars twinkle and suddenly it's friday sky
don't remember how many days we've been apart
Darling, these fading scars shouldn't hurts us like this
trailing screams leading towards the endless sea
We're lost, can't remember way back to our sunken ship
your bookshelf has everything but love
Those swoony pages are now filled with thousands cuts
mine is like me, empty it stares
eyes sad, red glasses
yearning glances
Failing miserably after succeeding
pleading as the ballroom dances
passed chances left us bruised
roses we loved became guns
you and I are not us
we're over but not done
thudding heart's venomous knives aiming at our happiest victories
you roam the roaring lands
dripped with uncertainty
the green dress once you loved feels like infidelity
my worn out jeans
weighs tons on me
these passing days and daydreaming
nightmares as the Moon shines
sighs on our knees
blinding rays and summer breeze
the glorious sun we have yet to see
oh, this madness, this shallow breathing
Darling, we'd make Shakespeare scream
we try and try and fail
fallen on the landings
miseries are the china at our parties
we walk and talk and sleep
two bed, two sheets
I'm trying
you can't forget me
" please, make letting go easy "
can't stay cause staying kills

goodbye can be a bliss

goodbyes takes away everything

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