♥ 9 ♥

7 3 0

Haunted castle

As the night slips away
Her mascara eyes cries
Her red lips loses smile

As the night slips away
Her bones grows painful
Her cheeks gets unwanted wounds

As the night slips away
Her body gets soothing
Just to get another beating

When it's a day light
The haunted graveyard
Wears the dress of a lovely castle
All lovely, all miseries are far

But when the darkness arrives
And sun goes home
The reality sets in
Castle becomes a painfull dom

As the night slips away
The perfect fairytale
Gets it's brutal endings

As the night slips away
Her once, prince charming
Shows his fierce beast

Too much blood for those three words
Too much tears for those so called lovely stories.

I really really really like this one.
Like damn I did that.Whoop

Hihi heya all.I hope you all are ok.

Much love

Dee xx ♥

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