27 // seven billion screams

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Seven Billion Screams

just one person and seven billion screams
clear blue sky and burning streams
you say, " die " and I still
this madness, so heavenly

I thought I was strong
strong and bold and broad-
shoulders carried my wandering thoughts
turned out, I'm just not

I try to learn not to yearn
What's not given isn't mine for burns
but I always fail
I always run two miles ahead
we never breathed the same air

tell me, why do I know your lips?
what told me exactly how they feel?
silly dreams ends with my killing

I should've earned them a long time ago
deaths should've come a long time ago
deaths could've stopped
this long lost wars a long time ago

but they didn't, they couldn't

now, we dance disturbed dancing
not swaying just angry pacing
I earned nothing with this yearning
silly dreams and broken strings

I'll pack my bags after you leave
you say, " goodbye " and I'll still
this madness isn't what I need
nothing seems heavenly

I'll lock the door once you're gone
these bags needs no outside air

I'll still and breath and scream
as these streams starts weeping
uncovering me from these dreams

I'll sway and forget
the feels of your lips

these bags will cage you and your memories

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