21 : i'm not coming back

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Don't wait for me, my love!

I'm not coming back

Your living garden and bright castle haunts my sad spirit

Please, let me be miserable in peace

Blow out that candle on your doorstep

My love, even though I want to come back

I'm not coming back

Please go and get some sleep

Your affection will stay unreached

So don't wait for me

You talk about flowers and happy hearts when mine is made of stone

Unbreakable. You have looked through it often to know

It's unbearable

I have said my sorrows to you, still

Even though you know the real me

Even though you possess the will to hold it

I can't accept the fear of it

So if you're in your bed

Still turning sides


I'm not coming back

Let the love go away cause all I want is sorrow

Let me vanish myself for vanishing is better than shattering

Better than questioning

You say " you're too stubborn, too hard yet seem so soft "

I say " you're mistaken, my heart can be the heaviest stone "

Life is easy where I rest

It's simple

Love will leave and the drapes will be out

My resting place

I have decorated it at it's best

It's where I feel alive again

When the waters are out

On rising again

And if you're still standing

With the lantern of hope

On your doorstep

By the right door

Go back inside, my love

The night is cold and even though you are my love

Even though I want to be your love

I'm not coming back


stay safe

stay humble

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