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Can't have myself, being someone else's

I know
It is selfish

I know
It is unfair

But I can't help
But feel bad
When I think about some other girl
In your head

I know
We are over

I know
We are long gone

But I can't help
But feel bad
When I imagine her, stroking your hair

I know
I shouldn't
I should
Let her be

But I can't help
I feel restless
When I think about her
In your strong arms

I just can't have anyone having what I once had

I just can't even imagine you with someone else

I think
I tell myself
I scold myself over and over again

I think that I'm over you
I tell myself to move on
I scold myself not to feel like this

Trust me love !
I really do

But I can't help
But feel my heart breaking

I can't help
But feel my soul shattering

I just can't help
But die inside

When I imagine myself
Being erased from your future
When I imagine myself
Being deleted from your memories
When i imagine myself
Being no part of your life anymore
When I imagine myself
As just me, not as your

I know
It's utterly bad

I know
It's so so fucked up

But after all this months
When I have made myself ok

Even the thought of someone else
Having myself

Makes me reckless
Makes me want to save myself

Just for you

Cause just like I can't imagine you with her

I can't have myself
Being someone else's.

And this is the fuckd up reality
When I'm over him, but still can't have him be someone else's.

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