♥ 16 ♥

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My pillow knows
All of your talks
How I want to hug you
He feels them all
Those rains in nights
When I disappoint myself
Over and over again
All those colourful words
When I want what should be mine
And those grins, stupidity
When I make you smile

My pillow knows
Everything about you
How your eyes shines
The melody of your laughter
The sad you too
How your words makes no sense
But yet I love them,no less

I talk about you all the time
Sometimes I wonder, I do I sound.?
When the conversations are full of you
Why subjects changes everyday
Why even though I'm with you
My pillow hugs me back and says
" wish he was here instead of me to save. "

Girl finished her college.
And will be away from the bestest friends she have. # sucks

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