29 // " I'll find me "

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" I'll find me "

when the patience is over
and Rain comes
with all her fury
you'll find me
sitting by the door
on my patio
in my own red hoodie
you'll see me, talking -
to her as she comes and goes
trampling the flowers
with her full force parading
I'll be here
by my door
then I'll tell her all the good words
said to me by others
on the same patio
few months ago in the winter
when grey days covered my sky
raging- just like her
with her anger, sadness and fury
I'll tell, beg and scold
" It's ok to let go. "
" is it ok to choose me? "
" yes, even this madness and this fury. "
" I can't find me."
" you will, trust me. "
" does the peace come.? "
" absolutely "
" how are you so sure? "
" I've been through your storm, I've walked the same road. "
" so i just abandon everything?
" they did. "
" I am not like them. "
" you're not. You're you. "
" what is me without all of these? "
" you're everything you are without all of these. "
I beckon her closure
" sit "
you'll find me
the sunset silently
Orange and pink Cumulonimbus
with her
as we talk
about love, lost, sadness and tears
with her
" I've found me. "
she repeats in a beat
" I'll find me. "

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