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Just because it's she.....

A mother of a new born
Complained and confronted
Am I this bad.?
Have I done this much sins.?
I have never believed in God and angles
But, at this moment of pain
I want to ask them.Why.?
Why they did this to me.?
Took away my precious one
The one who was better
Better than anyone
Best one from every other one
Why did they took away my that one.?
I need that one back
Tell me your price
What do you want in return. ?
My life.?
My soul. ?
My everything. ?
Just say something
And I'll give up anything
To bring that one back
Just say something

That one hasn't even seen this world
Is it not cruelty. ?
To give me a hope
And instantly take it back.?
It was just yesterday
When I saw her first
Her tiny hand and her red cherry lips
Unaware from this bloody world
Thay came for her
Running like a hungry hyenas
Howling like a monster on hunt
They snatched her away from me
My precious little baby
I cried
I begged
I roared
I pledged
But nothing worked

Why this world has to be like this.?
Can't they just be happy. ?
Why it's only bad with her.?
She has a soul too
Soul of a Angel
Legs of an athlete
Hands of a painter
Brain of a scientist
But mostly
A heart of a daughter
A love of a wife
A lap of a mother
A storytelling lips of grandmother
A body of goddess
Whom you worship in festivals
But kill in hospitals

What is her fault. ?
Being a girl.?
Can't they just look up
At their mother.?
And think that she is mother
Will be a mother of some unborn
Is this fact is not enough. ?
To let her breath free.?
To let her live here.?

So I read Sun and Her Flowers and it's awesome. Rupi kaur is perfect in every way.I look up to her to write and live.She's a warrior. She's just magnificent in everything. I'm rooting to meet her.finger crossed.

P.S.- I don't know man.I just felt like I should write it you know.Original poem is for my book and as I was writing it here I thought about adding it.And it was based on a death of a child but then I made it in this.I think that this one is best I have ever wrote. I'm proud on this one.Love you
Be safe.

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