Chapter 1

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The hustle and bustle of the bistro was something Michelle Connor dreaded, more so that her family were here so she felt as if she always had something to prove. It still felt empty though, that was the weird thing, empty because there wasn't a cackle of laughter dancing around the room in the gentle breeze, a cackle of laughter that meant so much to her family as well as herself. At least they were all successful this time around and that was something they kind of liked, how everyone had their respective income, how everyone earnt their way and in an odd view of themselves they really did feel as if they were an empire expanding but there was one person missing from that and that was Carla.

Of course, there were reasons why she couldn't come back, too many ghosts of the past, the present and the future, almost. Everyone understood why she would refuse to even come close to this place when she had burnt so many bridges when she had become happier away from this place. Everyone understood, well not everyone. Michelle was still hurt over the fact she decided to leave but she knew why she did it and after all, Carla was happy that was the main thing.

Christmas day was full of stress but Michelle was imminently hating the idea that she decided she would work as it just dragged, her family were there but she wasn't participating instead she was playing hostess. She really didnt know why she agreed to it when she and Robert could have found the cover and she could have bee indulging in food and fancy wine with her family. Her head swung around at the speed of light, her eyes wide and she pulled a somewhat shocked face, it was Carla.

"Surprise" she smirks proudly of herself before sauntering over to Michelle and hugging her "Merry Christmas"

"What are you doing here?"

"That's such a lovely welcome 'Chelle, really I feel touched" she teases pinching Michelle's cheeks as she glares "Got room for another one?"

"Another one?" Jenny queries as Carla looks back and smirks in response as a tall man walks over and immediately wraps his arms around Carla's body causing a triumphant smirk to be plastered all over her face

"Meet Lucas, my husband," she says before kissing him on the lips, she turns to her family who were looking shell-shocked with the whole thing "Oh come on it can't be that much of a surprise can it?"

"Maybe I should..." Lucas trails off as Carla frowns shaking her head before linking her arms around his neck he rests his hands on her hip "We could go elsewhere...?"

"Oh that's an idea, maybe that posh restaurant, you know the one I'm always telling you about-"

"I mean we more than have the money" he teases poking her on the nose, she nods taking his hand and turning to her family

"So you're just going to go?" Michelle questions as Carla nods in response "Well don't let the door hit you on the way out I suppose"

"Come on 'Chelle dont me like that" she rolls her eyes thinking she was being a little bit dramatic "At least I was willing to step foot in these parts"

"Yeah, and we should congratulate you?" Michelle questions sarcastically, Carla just pulls a face and sighs "As well as bringing your new fancy piece-"

"Woah, woah" Carla states glaring at her friend "Be careful what you say, I wouldn't want you to damage his ego-"

"Oi!" Lucas protests as Carla grins up at him, he couldn't help but peck her on the lips "Are we going or not?"

"Yeah unless anyone else has any more questions?" Carla questions her family who shake their heads obviously too shocked to say anything "Good, I'll be in touch about that deal Aidan"

"Wait, what deal-" Michelle starts but it was too late Carla was dragging Lucas out of the bistro

"So then, do you like the view?" Carla questions linking her arms over around his neck, he smirks at her "Apart from me of course"

"Seems like everyone's on top of each other" he pulls a face as Carla nods "Why, you dont want to move back do you?"

"Well it would be easier for me..." she trails off as Lucas smiles slightly "And easier access for me and you to get our grubby little mitts on the factory"

"They're not going to like you one little bit"

"Well...they're not going to know until it hits them in the face are they?"

"You reckon Aidan will bit your hand off then?"

"More than if it means keeping me here, I don't want to be a sleeping partner now do I babe?" she smirks as Lucas shakes his head "You and I know how boring that is and right now I want something to do there's only so much sunning myself I can do"

"I'm all for you sunning yourself" he smirks as Carla bites her lip "We could go to the hotel..."

"I want a meal though" she grins as Lucas bites his lip "Even though the hotel does sound...lovely, more than lovely and there's probably a restaurant there so we could dress up, make an evening at the bar?"

"Oh yes" he nods as Carla smirks and nods taking his hand and leading him to the car, they both get in and smirk at each other once more before driving off to their hotel...

Carla's family was still sitting in idle silence no one wanting to make the first move about what they just witnessed. Michelle was actively glaring at Aidan because it was obvious he knew more than he was letting on, of course, her break came so she sat down in the seat which was meant for Carla and just continued to glare at Aidan who sighed in response and glanced to the rest of his family not wanting to say a word as it would betray Carla's trust as well as the confidence of the situation and that was something he didn't want to do.

"Stop looking at me like that" Aidan says as Michelle just scoffs "And before you ask what I know I dont know that much"

"So you didnt know she would walk in with a brand new hubby then?" Johnny questions as Aidan sighs, of course, they would all start speaking now

"No I didnt!" he protests as Michelle narrows her eyes "She was interested in Underworld"

"Underworld?" Michelle questions, Aidan nods "Why?"

"Because I think she wants to come home, she would never admit it but we met up for a drink-"

"You met her for a drink?!" Michelle exclaims as Aidan's head falls into his hands in pure exasperation "And you didnt think to tell any of us?"

"I'm sorry you had to keep tabs on all family members Michelle" Aidan drones sarcastically, Michelle just glares at him "But I genuinely think she's interested in being back here again, I think she feels as if the time is right and if she wants to inject money into Underworld I'm not going to stop her especially if it means she will be back here with us where she belongs-"

"What about 'Flash Harry' then?" Kate drones, Aidan just shrugs "I'm sure he wouldn't be happy being uprooted"

"I think we all know Carla's pretty persuasive" Johnny reasons as Aidan nods in agreement "Well I guess we'll see what happens"

"Hmm, I guess" Michelle mutters before returning to her waitressing, she sighs thinking about how good her friend looked, maybe she was a bit harsh before?

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