Chapter 12

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Being in Paris was something which was meant to be romantic but for Carla, it really didn't feel like it and that was something she hated how a place she used to like going to was tainted just like that. Well, it was good but she was living in fear, a fear of something which was either psychological or real; the possibility of being pregnant. Lucas kept going on and she was trying her best not to snap, he resulted in telling her the names he had picked out if they had a baby and it made her skin crawl and that was something she didn't like, she didn't understand. There were positives though, the escape from domesticity, from her family which had newfound hate for her, the fancy meals and the shopping trips, it was all as if it was a dream because it really was magical spending this time with Lucas. Even though the trip was meant to be for business only Lucas really did treat her like a queen but she knew that would soon change when they arrived back home so she suggested that they extend the trip, he thought about it for a day or so and agreed with her so they spent another week in Paris before heading back home.

"Ugh we should have taken the milk out of the fridge" she pulls a face, Lucas chuckles slightly watching her open it and squeamishly place the milk in the bin "Disgusting"

"Come here" he smiles beckoning her over, he wraps his arms around her body and she smiles slightly in response "I wonder how things are here eh? We should go out, hotpot at the Rover's?"

"I'd hardly be welcome Lucas" she states as Lucas nods sadly in response "We could go into town if you want?"

"I don't really feel like travelling, sorry babe" he sighs propping the suitcases up against the wall "We could just order a takeaway?"

"No thanks" she responds heading into the medication cabinet and pulling out a packet of paracetamol, Lucas frowns "Migraine"

"You never told me?"

"I feel it coming on" she states as Lucas narrows his eyes suspiciously "I might go lie down in a dark room, I'm pretty knackered"

"I'll do the washing, unpack and stuff so you don't have to" he offers, she smiles appreciatively before biting her lip and walking into the bedroom, he follows her "Would you like some water?"

"Yes please" she smiles getting into bed, Lucas returns with a glass of water and a box in his hands "What?"

"I think you should take it" he smiles as Carla bites her lip glancing down to the pregnancy test box "This migraine could be a symptom of pregnancy-"

"Or I could just have a migraine" she states, Lucas frowns

"Do you not want to take it?" he questions, she frowns "Speak to me"

"No I just don't think I'm pregnant that's all" she states as Lucas narrows his eyes

"Take it"

"Lucas please my head is banging" she moans as Lucas brushes her hair back, he gently rubs her back before thrusting the test in front of her "Can I do it after I've had a rest?"

"No do it now" he states forcing it in front of her, she sighs and gets off the bed, she pads into the bathroom and Lucas waits outside of the door for her to reappear

"Gosh get a grip" she whispers taking the test out of the box and unwrapping it internally begging that she wouldn't be pregnant, internally wishing that this would not be positive because she didn't know if she could cope, she takes the test and flips it over so she couldnt look at it, not knowing seemed more tolerable right now

"Carla" Lucas knocks on the door, she sighs in response and opens the door pointing to the test, he immediately beams and picks it up as the colour drains out of Carla's face

Hometownजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें