Chapter 13

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The refusal to go into work was eating her up, she didnt really want anyone to see her and that was ok considering everything she was going through behind closed doors. Carla was usually so strong and for people to see her crumble was a no go for her leading for her to stay at home, and staying at home more meant being around Lucas. It wasn't a problem as she loved him, loved spending time with him and understanding him as well as him understanding her but when he was aggressive, upset or het up about something she hated it because of the amount of pain she experienced this last week was too much for her to cope so today she decided to go into work.

"Hey" Lucas enters the room looking at Carla who was standing in front of the mirror in her underwear "Are you ok?"

"Uh yeah" she nods glancing over her body seeing the range of yellow bruises and blue ones with a mix of brown and red ones, all of them littering her body

"Are you going to work?"

"Yeah" she nods chucking her blouse over herself before pulling on her jeans "Are you going into work?"

"What's the date today?"

"I don't know babe, sorry" she flashes him a smile, he picks up his phone and sighs "What?"

"I have another business trip I need to attend" he groans, Carla pouts her lips "Do you want to come?"

"I think I should stay here if I'm honest with you, I haven't really been doing much with the factory recently so I think it's best if that's ok with you?"

"Yeah that's fine" he nods kissing her on the lips, she smiles slightly before sighing "Right I best get packing, I'll pop by and see you before I leave"

"How long are you going for again?" she queries, he wraps his arms around her body from behind her causing a brief smile to light up her face

"A couple of weeks"

"Two weeks?" she exclaims, Lucas presses a finger to her lips "You best call me every day"

"I will don't worry" he reassures her brushing the back of his finger over her cheek "I need to go down south babe, see the businesses, I'll be back before you know it"

"Ok" she sighs in response, Lucas kisses her on the lips "Pop by for lunch so I can say goodbye?"

"Ok fine" he smiles "I'll bring you something to eat as well as a farewell gift"

"And that's why I love you" she smirks turning back to the mirror and ruffling her hair, he smiles grabbing the holdall from the top of the wardrobe, he begins to pack whilst Carla continues to get ready...

She went into the factory and immediately the gossip mill was running wild to her entrance. She snapped angrily at her workers but they could sense that something wasn't quite right with their boss. It was hotter weather yet she wasn't wearing anything with short sleeves, no dresses but just long-sleeved clothes, they didnt question it though, they didnt dare. Carla worked and she had a good morning uninterrupted, she sent her workers off to lunch and Lucas entered the factory with some lunch for them both to share which she was grateful for, she gave him the rundown of what was happening and he was more than happy. They said their goodbyes and Carla watched him leave with a small smile, all of a sudden she felt ever so alone, like a part of her was gone and she couldn't do anything about it.


"Oh hi," she smiles folding her arms across her chest "How are you?"

"Good, tired" Peter smiles in response holding the pint of milk he had in his hands "How about you?"

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