Chapter 4

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First, it was Peter to stab her in the back then it was Michelle, telling all and sundry within her family about her kidney failure. She was annoyed, she was moody and upset about the whole thing and felt as if her privacy had been invaded entirely. Lucas was treating her like an invalid causing her to have many outbursts but she knew she had to be careful for reasons she hated to admit. Many of her outbursts weren't in true Carla Connor style instead they were jokey, she would often pout her lips and makes jokes and playfully whine about how Lucas was making her stay indoors as she couldn't bring herself to be bashful or snappy knowing what it would entail.

"Are you going to be ok here?" Lucas questions, Carla looks up at him from her magazine

"I'll be fine" she states as Lucas bends down to kiss her on the lips "You have a good day"

"See you soon" he smiles leaving the flat, she bites her lip walking into the bedroom and getting changed into a pair of black skinny jeans and a white fluffy jumper, she runs a brush through her hair before glancing at her high heeled boots, she shook her head and went for her Ugg boots knowing they would most likely help her in the long run and knowing that Lucas was going to be in town all day she shoved her coat on and made her way out of the flat...

She was grateful to get out, all she was able to do when Lucas was around was sit on their balcony to get fresh air as he wanted to keep an eye on her all of the time. It was very overbearing and made her very annoyed but she knew he was only trying to do right by her. Of course, she needed to take out her anger over the situation so she marched around to the back of the pub and took up residence in the beer garden and knowing Peter he liked to smoke so of course he joined her eventually and sighed knowing that she was most likely there to have a go at him.


"No save it" she snaps as Peter sighs "You had no right to reveal my personal issues to my family, no right!"

"I did it for you!"

"For me?" she scoffs as Peter nods "Why then? Why do you even care, I get you to want to play the knight and shining armour all the time Peter and you were probably being a good Samaritan lifting poor defenceless Carla into the back of your cab and taking her to hospital but what you did was scandalous especially when you said you wouldn't tell them!"

"Oh wind your neck in woman can't you see I was trying to help you?!" he exclaims, she just clenches her jaw and glares "Isn't this better than your family waking up one day to find you dead and then realising you refused help!"

"You still had no right to do that behind my back, I was going to tell them when the time is right"

"Well that's good, at least I did it before you and at least they actually know now so they can help you"

"Yeah, and you call help being on bed rest and not allowed out of the flat" she snaps clearly irritated over Peter and over her life with Lucas "You've basically denied my freedom until I get a new kidney inside of me, thanks a bunch. The last thing I wanted Peter was to be treated as an invalid-"

"You have kidney failure, Carla, you haven't broken a bone" he snaps back, she just glares at him folding her arms across her chest "Why are you here then if you're being kept prisoner as you said?"

"Lucas is out on business for the day," she says as Peter narrows his eyes in response "What?"

"No, he's not" Peter shakes his head causing Carla to frown "He's in the pub sitting with Michelle, Aidan...and Kate"

"Oh great sneaking around behind my back, I've had enough of this" she states getting up too fast she had to hold onto the wall, Peter grabs her waist so she didnt fall "Let go of me"

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