Chapter 20

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The thing about fate was that there it would always flare up once in a while that the sudden realisation of something that could be would happen immensely to an extent that things were not going to get better, she knew this now. The water submerged her body and her mind was at rest with all the thoughts circulating because, in reality, she knew this was the end. Her eyes flicked around under the surface of her eyelids as she breathed in deeply before opening her eyes. Taking the risk she submerged her entire face and held her breath hearing the emptiness of the water around her ears was almost calming to her mind and soul. She gasped loudly as she came up to the surface for a breath alerting Lucas who was sitting on the armchair reading her a book, it was weird why he did that but she was struggling so she supposed it fit with the whole thing. Carla felt guilty, a secret moment of passion with Peter but Lucas was right, their therapy session got cancelled causing Carla to feel like she had betrayed him. They went to another session yesterday with a clinic on the other side of Manchester and it was great, more than great she understood and she knew Lucas himself was understanding why he got angry and in a way, she was happy that things were looking up.

"Are you ok?" he peers up from the book, she smiles and nods "Yesterday was insightful wasn't it?"

"Yeah, it was" she nods with a smile, he bends down to kiss her on the lips "How do you feel having been to it?"

"Yeah it was good, insightful as I said but I think I understand things a bit better, its all about communication isn't it?"

"Hmm exactly" she nods gesturing for him to pass her the towel so she could get out of the bath, she goes to stand in front of the full-length mirror and examines her body, she had never seen it so free of red marks or bruises and even if there were some they were yellowing and that meant that she was healing "Do you want to do something today?"

"We have to work don't we?"

"I'm sure I can get someone to cover..." she trails off, Lucas nods slowly "What do you say?"

"I have one important meeting I need to go to but I'm sure we can do something this afternoon if you want?"

"Yeah I'd like that" she nods, he pecks her on the lips noticing she seemed kind of distant and she had done since yesterday

"I'll get ready then, I made you some lunch to take into work it's in the fridge"

"Oh thank you" she smiles slightly, he nods before leaving the bathroom, she sighs slightly glancing over her body, something about herself looked different and she just couldn't put her fingers on it for some reason, she heard the front door go so she went to get changed and start her day...

Carla was walking down the cobbled streets like she did every day sneaking a glance at Number One as she hoped that Peter would be stood there smoking or just watching her but her hopes didnt make it a reality so instead she just went into work. Somehow the passion was leaving her body, the passion to work and she didn't know why, she felt burnt out and exhausted all of a sudden for no reason at all leaving for her to sigh. Another headache occurred and she popped two paracetamol before an alert went off on her phone; a text from Lucas. She rolled her eyes and replied to it saying that she would meet him outside of the factory at the time he wanted to meet and that's what she did when the time came, she met him outside of the factory.

"So where are you taking me?" she questions, he grins kissing her on the lips

"All-inclusive shopping trip, I'll carry your bags whilst you shop," he says, she raises her eyebrows "And no I'm not wearing a suit to look like your servant"

"Aww just when I thought my day was looking up" she smirks, he rolls his eyes before driving off "Do I look different to you?"

"How do you mean?"

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